The democratic majority in the House of Representatives has the night of Wednesday the Danish time passed a resolution to block the president Trumps nødretstilstand.

Trump declared nødretstilstanden because of what he calls a ‘humanitarian and security emergency,’ along the U.S.’s southern border against Mexico.

Nødretstilstanden gives the president the opportunity to find financing for a grænsemur without having to have Congressional approval.

The democratic leadership in Congress, however, has called nødretstilstanden unconstitutional and believes that the president’s claim of an emergency at the border for scaremongering.

In the vote voted 245 for – including 13 republicans – and 182 against. With the adoption must now be voted on the same resolution in the Senate, where Republicans have the majority.

A number of republican senators have, however, criticized nødretstilstanden to break with democratic norms and contrary to the constitution.

the Votes of just four republican senators, along with the democratic minority in the Senate, is the resolution. This will be a huge defeat for Trump, who in both the election campaign in 2016 and, subsequently, have fought tooth and nail to get built a grænsemur.

If the resolution is adopted in both chambers, which according to observers is not unlikely, the resolution officially signed by the president, but Donald Trump has already announced that he will veto it should it reach there.

the Congress may, however, reject his veto, but it requires a two-thirds majority in both chambers.

16 states, civil liberty groups and landowners along the border have also sued Trump administration, on the basis of nødretten.

Trump declared nødretstilstanden the 15. February, after the month-long budget negotiations in Congress. Here, one could not be agreed to find funding of the wall, which the president had called for to sign a final agreement.

Trumps demands led to the longest shutdown of parts of the state apparatus in american history.