The SVP Switzerland is fueling the discussion around the EU framework agreement. In all the cantons, their Parliament, representatives of state initiatives to submit. The demand is simple and clear: The framework agreement should be rejected. Parliament, the stand initiative, a majority of the Canton, have to deal the Federal Parliament with the Initiative.

The patterns initiative comes in the present case, from the Canton of Zug and is there a group boss Manuel Brandenberg already been submitted. the Thomas Aeschi , the President of the Federal house group, expects that several cantonal parliaments, the Initiative will agree, including Schwyz and Zug.

The justification of a fire mountain in the initiative is clear, as is the claim. The framework agreement would curtail the autonomy of Switzerland is very strong, he writes. As in the last few weeks, the light had come, the agreement is much more far-reaching consequences for the cantons than first assumed.

the agreement, according to the fire mountain, that state aid in Switzerland would be prohibited or severely restricted. This applies in particular for the participation of the state in hospitals, utilities and building insurance and the cantonal banks are likely to have no state guarantees.

“The most important foreign policy issue”

group chief Aeschi confirmed on request the coordinated action, which is controlled by the SVP Headquarters in Bern. In the case of the in-depth reading of the present report and the estimates of the conference of cantonal governments (KdK) was he scared, says Aeschi. “The impact on the Canton’s territory are much more serious than I thought.”

Question, the cantonal sovereignty in tax matters, but also subsidies in the field of tourism, support for contributions to public swimming pools or sports clubs, market premiums in the energy production and investments to the state institutions, where you have to take care to be provided.

the SVP contributes to their resistance to the framework agreement in the cantons, not, of course, outside, alone, for political reasons, but also party-political. It comes to the Occupy of the subject of the EU and the cantonal level. With the initiative, all local councillors and all members of Parliament are forced to make a statement. Aeschi want to call including the centrist parties CVP and FDP. The action appears to be the clear opinion of the FDP-the Federal house group for the agreement is controversial, because in the cantons will show whether the base follows the price from Bern.

“The framework agreement, the currently most important foreign policy issue,” says Aeschi. “There is, in particular, of Canton and Government of Directors and to expect the in the case of lavierenden centrist parties CVP and FDP, that they take a clear position.” The SVP-group chief announces that his party will post lists of those candidates, the issuing in the election campaign for the sovereignty of Switzerland, but in the cantonal Parliament for the framework agreement votes.

The cantons are directly affected

Gregor Rutz , Zurich, national Council and Leader of the SVP-group on the topic of-Institutional agreement (InstA), promises, meanwhile, tangible findings, when with the initiatives of each of the cantonal government, the impact of the framework agreement on the own room for manoeuvre had to check. Presumably, not all effects are known yet, with the InstA hand-in-hand, says Rutz.

The cantons, for their part, have already recognized that they are in this important EU issue directly affected. The President of the conference of the cantonal governments, CVP-councillor Benedikt Würth, has repeatedly referred in a critical position to the agreement. In December, he had raised concerns, among other things, also because of the feared Takeover of the EU Prohibited state aid.

As a criticism of the KdK does not want to know the SVP-state initiatives. The Secretary-General Roland Mayer expressed reservations about the approach of the SVP. It is free to the individual cantonal parliaments, to advise on the status of the initiatives and to decide. Similarly, the task of the individual cantonal governments, your attitude to such Initiatives in their parliaments. To further questions, neither Mayer nor KdK-President of the Würth opinions.

“The other bourgeois parties have a hard time with a clear opinion.”Louis Perron, political scientist

this action by the SVP’s success in the elections this autumn? Political consultant and analyst, Louis Perron says, that the actions of the SVP, is strategic in principle, correct, because in an election campaign, the key differences to the competition communicative. And, the SVP in this matter. “It is against this framework agreement, the Federal Council and the other bourgeois parties have a hard time with a clear strategy and opinion.”

Add to this, the platform that the SVP could possibly consider a majority of the population on their side, because a political majority for the agreement was not yet in sight. If however, the topic is the big Election issue is for the political scientists is still open. “At the present time, it is for many citizens still a very technically and from the immediate, everyday concerns far removed,” says Perron.

expressed opposition to the state initiatives on the request of SP General Secretary Michael Sorg. Support for the SP in question, because his party was in favour of a framework agreement and for the protection of Wages – the SVP to reject both.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 26.02.2019, 18:20 PM