Mette Frederiksen, The president, the prosecutor now Ekstra Bladet for breaking the rules of the press at Christiansborg.

S-the president takes, for the first time the leaf from the mouth, after her group chairman, Henrik Sass Larsen, in a great interview has told that he has a bit of a depression.

– I think it’s pretty clear to me that if we must have a well-functioning democracy, including the functioning of the media, so we should have a proper cooperation with each other. And there are some rules about how interviews take place, and under what framework. And it is our belief that them have Extra Magazine has not lived up to.

– How do you mean so that the Extra Leaf has broken the rules of the game?

– We have some rules here in the house, you must make arrangements prior to the interviews, and that one does not stand outside the toilet and wait on each other. It is quite common rules of the game, as it should be easy to respect for both parties, says Mette Frederiksen.

the Social democrats have formally complained about Ekstra behavior at Christiansborg.

the Danish policy – 8. feb. 2019 – at. 18:41 After the Sass’ pjæk: Complaints to the Pia K. of Ekstra Bladet

Later in Mette Frederiksen’s tete a tete with the press after the Parliamentary question hour, asked the Extra Blade bl.a., if she believes that the future must be taken specialness tenderness with Henrik Sass in the aftermath of the announcement about his depression, and that he is now back at work:

– So we must take special consideration to the Henrik Sass Larsen in the future?

– No, you must behave yourselves properly and comply with the rules of the game, that is. It should not be impossible for a newspaper. For me it is not here a discussion on Extra Magazine. For me it is a question here about a colleague who has been through a difficult time. We must deal with management.

– I think it would be a shame, if it will be the case in Danish politics, because of illness, is disqualified to take upon themselves a public office. When it is about Extra Blade, so the just comply with the rules of the game, as the vast majority of the media in the other cases, the powers to observe.

– But I can Extra the Magazine’s behalf to say that we do not stand and prowling in front of the toilets. But it is surely not a problem to stand and wait in front of the meeting rooms to get answers from the politicians at Christiansborg, Or do you also, it is it, as you also write in your complaint about the Extra Leaf?

– well, there are agreed rules of the game. F. ex. that you are standing on one side of the here red (afspærringssnor red.). You are actually the one who pushes the most on right now. But it is okay. You stand on one side. I stand on the other. The rules must be complied with by all of us. And now there are so made a complaint, as the group leaders must discuss.

the Danish policy – 23. feb. 2019 – at. 12:28 New Sass-detection: Recorded tv show on pjækkedage

Mette Frederiksen also says that it may not be the case that people who have been sick, whether it is physical or mental, is barred from contesting political office.

– When you get hit by a depression, there may be different methods. I have listened to what has been the recommendation. Both of Henrik Sass and from psykoklogen in relation to how to maintain a normal daily life as muluigt.

It was a journalist from TV2 to ask, how Mette Frederiksen could let a man go to work, according to his interview with Politiken, sleep 19-20 hours a day.

– I think, frankly, this is a strange question. Surely you have colleagues who occasionally go through a difficult time. So the fire not people. It is also not certain, you sygemelder them under normal conditions.