Before he sat on the plane to Vietnam, reveling Donald Trump, once again, in anticipation of his Meeting with Kim Jong-un as it was a rendezvous between lovers who have not seen each other for a long time. It may sound strange, said the US President on Sunday evening to a gala event in the White house, “but I gave him a very, very good relationship. We get on well.” Again and again, talked to Trump recently about the “beautiful letters” which he had of North Korea written niche dictator, he showed the visitors in the White house. “We fell in love,” said Trump last fall.

will must result If Trump will now face off on Wednesday in Hanoi for the second Time on Kim, from the encounter however, more than just warm words. At their first summit in Singapore last June, the two men had agreed on a statement that was vague. Of a new relationship between the United States and North Korea, the speech was that of a common search for a peace order, and a “complete denuclearization” of the Korean Peninsula. In Washington, Trump was a winner celebrate: North Korea not a nuclear threat, “more”, he said.

risk factor Trump

Countable there has been progress in nuclear disarmament, however, is not. That’s not to say trump’s critics say his closest Ministers and advisers. “They have not fulfilled their promise so far,” said John Bolton, the National security adviser, in December the North Koreans. It was unlikely that Kim give up its nuclear weapons, said U.S. secret service coordinator Dan Coats in January before the Congress. Even US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo, always striving, not to speak of the President publicly, said at the weekend in a TV Interview: Yes, North Korea is still a nuclear threat from go well.

so The question is, as a successful summit in Hanoi. Trump even played the threat posed by the Regime in Pyongyang, the last one down and dampened the expectations of the Meeting. “I didn’t do it in a hurry,” he said on Sunday evening. He pointed out that North Korea had tested since 2017 no nuclear bombs. This is already a success. “As long as there are no Tests, we will be happy.”

disagreement in definitions

Within his Administration, however, it sounds a little different. In background discussions, the representative outlined the government recently, what you have in advance of the meeting executed works: implementation of the Declaration of Singapore. This could firstly mean that the U.S. and North Korea agree to open up mutual liaison offices in Washington and Pyongyang. This could, secondly, to say that Trump and Kim sign a Declaration, which ended the formal ongoing Korean war. And this could, thirdly, to say that both countries agree on a Roadmap for further talks.

again and again spoke to the President of Trump on the “beautiful letters”, wrote to him, Kim.

more Difficult something else is: the common Definition of what is meant by “denuclearization” at all. This Definition does not exist until today. Pretty sure the Trump-government does not share the view attributed to Kim: a denuclearization also includes the withdrawal of US troops from South Korea. Particularly in the Pentagon, many worry, however, that Trump might just offer a Hand, to announce a prestigious Deal with Kim.

the sanctions Remain?

US foreign Minister Pompeo said on Sunday that there were many things that could do, Kim, in order to demonstrate its commitment to disarmament. Trump will try, Kim “to get a real, verifiable” concession. A step could be the promise of North Korea, its nuclear complex in Yongbyon to reduce. In return, Kim would urge the lifting of sanctions against North Korea in force. This had been rejected by Pompeo so far: The “core” of sanctions will remain intact, he said on CNN, and was open to at least a little bit of leeway.

wants to convince On the manner in which Trump Kim, the President with a Tweet prior to his departure. North Korea had a choice: It could ascend to disarm and for the economy – or continue as before. “Chairman Kim will make a wise decision!”

South Korea hopes for a successful summit

Hardly anyone looks currently, so looking forward to Vietnam, as the South Korean President, Moon Jae-in. “All Koreans are United in the desire for a successful summit,” said Moon on Monday. This second Meeting between North Korea’s rulers and the US President will be the crucial. The relations between South Korea and the United States, between the two Koreas and between the U.S. and North Korea have never been so good. Moon, whose parents had fled during the Korean war in the South, has taken the relaxation in the fall of 2017 with a secret offer of talks after Kim Jong-un, North Korea’s nuclear and missile tests, had declared. Kim answered him in his new year’s address 2018 with a peace offering. Then Moon arranged the first summit, Donald Trump with Kim; since then, he has taken Kim to yourself three times.

“the end of the war-Declaration”

Moon hopes, Trump and Kim agreed in Hanoi to a “war Declaration”. This would be an informal conclusion of peace. North and South Korea had agreed with the agreement of their armies from September, to abstain from any hostility, already at such a statement said moon’s spokesperson. A formal peace Treaty would have to be involved in China and South Korea. Moreover, such would have to be approved by the U.S. Congress.

Moon knows most of the South Koreans. Nevertheless, the President of South Korea is under political pressure. He has not been for a relaxation with North Korea, but to restore the health of the economy. South Korea has a particular Problem with youth unemployment. Since the Moon has reached nothing so far. (nh)

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 25.02.2019, 22:20 PM