In a greener environment-raised children to develop according to a Danish study, in the course of your life rare mental disorders. As scientists at the University of Aarhus reports, in the vicinity of gardens, Parks, meadows or forests, large individuals up to a 55 percent lower risk for mental disorders than those without such an environment. The researchers are of the Belief that it would be better if cities had faces more green.

For the in the journal PNAS published a study by the Danes, using satellite images from the years 1985 to 2013, studied the landscape around the homes of nearly a Million people. These data were compared with the risk to develop in the further course of life, one of 16 different mental health disorders.

Social Stress in the city

“With our data set, we show that the risk of developing a mental disorder decreases gradually, the longer you are surrounded from birth up to the age of ten years, from green spaces,” said study leader Kristine Engemann. “Green areas are in the Childhood, therefore, extremely important.” It is not necessarily a bad thing, when you grow up in a city as green areas to be around you.

There is growing evidence that the natural environment plays a larger role in mental health than previously thought, said Engemann. This Knowledge is the researcher, not the least important, because more and more parts of the world’s population live in cities. Only a few years ago the threshold was exceeded that, worldwide, more people live in cities than in the country. Urbanization as such is increasing at the moment scary.

too many people, Too little contact, this formula can be used to break the Situation in the city. “This social Stress is from my point of view, from the simultaneity of social density, Overcrowding and social Isolation,” says stress researcher, Mazda Adli of the Fliedner Klinik Berlin and the Charité. The study from Aarhus close an important information gap on the impact of Green on health.

right Green

in addition to the question of what the Green actually makes the brain, however, remains open to which degree of green areas is not sufficient: What is Green is green enough? It is sufficient to have a Lawn or live near you, or you have to use them actively? Rich trees, or it must be actually a forest?

the answers to these questions are crucial, such as in cities in the future for more effective Green. (sda)


Created: 25.02.2019, 19:17 PM