The first summit, in Singapore between Trump and Kim brought little Tangible. That should change in Hanoi, because the expectations are high: At the end should, if possible, a Treaty of peace.

Two of the big points you need to hold a way: Not done, all the old. North Korea still has nuclear weapons, and the American sanctions against the country are still in force.

at All, after the last summit in June of last year, many observers were surprised at how little Concrete stand in the agreements. Only intentions, desires, and something of diplomatic prose. And yet, the US President, Donald Trump is shown, in retrospect, was highly satisfied: “It will fly, no missile, no nuclear tests. We have to get the Remains of our great heroes from the Korean war. And we have our hostages.”

Three American citizens, were camps of the North Korean workers released. The most important thing to him, so Trump that he had ever brought the conversation going. Through him, the danger had become smaller. Now he was looking forward to meet Kim Jong-Un. You’ve built up a really good relationship, what had never been there before between Kim or his family, and the United States.

After the historic first Meeting in Singapore, Trump was satisfied with the results.

North Korea has more nuclear warheads

but What can Concrete hold? According to various Reports, North Korea is supposed to have a part of his nuclear research facilities were shut down. Rebecca Hersman, Director for nuclear issues at CSIS, a major security policy think tank in Washington, believes that, most likely, nothing had been mined of meaning. North Korea has come with its production of nuclear weapons in the last few years. It must be assumed that 30 to 60 existing warheads.

But after all, is one of the consequences of the current discussions, that there is no missile and nuclear tests had taken place. And it was positive. “Both in weapons development as well as to Transport the test break has slowed down your progress,” she says. On the other hand, the USA have cancelled a with South Korea, planned maneuvers, apparently, there is an urgent desire on the part of Kim.

in addition, It was a lot of talking to each other, on different hierarchical levels, to the Minister of foreign Affairs. Apparently it was talked about again in the future diplomats to exchange, a point could play at a Meeting in Hanoi of a role. And economic relations have been explored.