on the weekend, was puzzled. Who would be the mysterious expert, the defense Minister Viola Amherd (CVP) for the jet fighter purchase will involve? No Association with the army and the industry should have and still expert knowledge: So Amherd rewrote the desired profile. “As a Person, there is not and there will be also,” said in contrast, SVP-Nationalrat Adrian Amstutz in the newspaper “Central Switzerland on Sunday”. Other politicians spoke in the same sense.

Just a day after these Reports, it has now become known, whom Amherd considers to be appropriately qualified. The 74-year-old Claude Nicollier is likely to be the General population simply as the “Swiss of the All”: the only citizens of the country, has travelled to the space. Nicollier, however, is how the defense Department (VBS) pointed out, a former fighter pilot, Professor at the ETH Lausanne, and “well connected” in the “security environment”. That makes him from the VBS point of view, to the suitable man, to a profound Expertise on the planned purchases of the air force to deliver.

results to the end of April

Specifically, the report “air defense of the future” from the year 2017. To him, the former defense Minister, Guy Parmelin (SVP) was based, as he aufgleiste the renewal of its fighter jet fleet and the ground-to-air defenses. 8 billion Swiss francs is to be invested, but to the dismay of her predecessor, pleasure Amherd want to obtain now an “independent second opinion” on the report before it drives the business forward.

the choice on Claude Nicollier fell, for the security of politicians unexpectedly. “I don’t know him. We had him on the Radar,” says Werner Salzmann (SVP, BE), chief of the national Council’s security Commission. The green party leader, Balthasar Glättli announces, to check with Federal councillor Amherd according to the backgrounds of Nicolliers freestyle. The national Council Thomas Hurter (SVP, SH), in turn, Amherd wish an external “sparring partner”. For a really in-depth analysis Hurters missing view, but anyway the time. Nicollier has to deliver its results in accordance with the VBS-target until the end of April.

Hired for the F/A-18

The personnel is not likely to, at least, polarize, in the sense that Nicollier in the past, politically covered. With one notable exception, however: In the 90s, he dedicated fleet a passion for the acquisition of the F/A-18. A possible no Vote in the referendum to these combat airmen, he described in an Interview as “Drama for the air force and the army”. The F/A-18 came through finally, in contrast to the Gripen Jet, the the people 2014. To the latter, vote, no Comments Nicolliers more documented.

How much the fee Nicollier for his mandate will involve is not yet known. According to the VBS, the Old Astronaut plans to donate the money to a “charitable Institution”. The media, he does not stand for the duration of his mandate.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 25.02.2019, 21:38 PM