Bern. The high health insurance premiums of the population is a big concern. Almost half of the respondents said in the latest SRF-election barometer, the premium load, in turn, to the most pressing Problem to solve the policy. Therefore, CVP and SP in an election year to try to score points with popular initiatives against the high premium burden. In the case of the CVP in the autumn launched the Initiative for a cost-seems polls brake in Voters to show a positive effect. The CVP was able to occupy in the election campaign, the health insurance issue at an early stage, as political scientist Michael Hermann. As of today, the SP as the party is trying now to recommend that relieves the Insured. It starts with the signature collection for your premiums initiative.

The recipes of the two parties differ fundamentally. The SP wants to set a limit on the premium load of households to ten per cent of disposable income. The Confederation and the cantons would be forced to significantly higher premiums subsidies.

charge of the redistribution

The recipe of the SP: with tax money, the premiums reduce load. The bourgeois parties, the SP, therefore, you will have to put up with the rising healthcare costs, but just wanted to redistribute even more money.

The CVP promises, the root of the Problem to tackle, namely the health costs. This will in future increase as wages. Grow the premium is greater, and the insurance companies with the Doctors and hospitals don’t agree on counter-measures, the state must intervene. The CVP Initiative will force the actors in the health system finally, to get a handle on costs, says CVP national councillor Ruth Humbel. For example, the Doctors would have to join forces to form networks, together with the funds on the binding budget. And the policy will be set by the CVP Initiative, under pressure, announced reforms to implement. The quality of the supply, however, will not suffer.

Four months after collection start date, the CVP has already 30 000 signatures. “We are on course to the Initiative to be submitted before the elections,” says CVP national councillor Stefan Müller-Altermatt. The Initiative is also an ideal starting point to get the voters into the conversation. “Virtually everyone we talk to, to sign the Initiative.” The Berner health economist Heinz Locher is hoped, however, from the SP-the Initiative of the fastest a effect. “The idea of the SP is correct.” This judgement amazed, hole Punch but as Ordoliberaler, the calls for more competition in health care within the state law framework. However, the premium load has reached to Punch an unacceptable extent.

“of 15 percent of the population have virtually no access to health care,” says Locher. Because many of the Insured chose the maximum franchise of 2500 francs, to be able to the premiums wear. At the same time you don’t decide to treat medically, because of the cost of treatment could take. Other Insured would not stop a Performance because you paid your premiums. “This state is in breach of the mandatory Insurance system and the constitutionally guaranteed access of all to criticise the benefits of the basic insurance”, Locher.

The premiums on the initiative of the SP force the Federal government and the cantons to massive increase in expenditure to a reduction in the Premium. Only if it hurt financially, would the Confederation and the cantons shall ensure, finally, for efficiency in the health system and at the same time, the quality of medical services. Heinz Locher requests that the Federal government assumes a 15 percent today to 7.5 percent of the gross cost of the basic insurance in the Form of a premium reduction, i.e. six instead of three billion a year.

will But also of the CVP, such as paper Punch is a more economical health care. The party is relying on experts, according to which 20 percent or six billion Swiss francs in health costs without loss of quality could save. Locher doubted, however, that the Initiative to exercise the necessary pressure on the actors. Of the Constitution, that article is formulated in General, and the appropriate order for the cost-effectiveness existed already for more than 20 years in the health insurance act. At the same time Locher invalidated but also the allegation of the opponents of the CVP Initiative, this will lead to rationing in health care.

recipes of FDP and SVP

The FDP is not a popular initiative, but has written a position paper for health care. The party aims to increase competition, efficiency, and personal responsibility. In the short term, the FDP calls for higher deductibles and long-term system change in the health insurance. Analog to 3. Pillar to augment the Insured, a nursing and a health account from which they Finance part of the cost.

The SVP wants to increase the deduction for health insurance premiums in the case of the direct Federal tax: for stand-Alone from 1700 to 3000 francs for married couples from 3500 to 6100 Swiss francs and per child from 700 to 1200 francs. So the middle class should be relieved.

However, a higher tax deduction in the Federal tax due to the strong Progression good is primarily the good earners. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 26.02.2019, 08:53 PM