in Front of nearly 100 persons were presented on Monday evening at the merchants, the gentlemen of the Hans Egli (EDU, Mario Fehr (SP), Hanspeter Hugentobler (EPP), Martin Neukom (Green), Ernst Stocker (SVP), Thomas Vogel (FDP) and as a single woman, Silvia Steiner (CVP).
Under the direction of Hannes Nussbaumer, Deputy editor-in-chief of the “Tages-Anzeiger”, relaxing a lively discussion about current cantonal political topics. For example, opportunities and threats of the projected population growth, relationship between town and country, social load balancing, and climate change.
The Candidates were nice to each other, we know each other from the government or the cantonal Parliament. Fehr zündelte against bird. Neukom and Stocker came through the financial policy, short in the hair. Otherwise was what Fehr said: “We have an excellent field of Candidates”, this means that more viable candidates than it has seats in the government. The choice opportunities are unevenly distributed.
The favorite of the election, contrary to see dedicated, but relatively relaxed. The geek will have their own strategy: “will be Settled on 24. March,” said Hanspeter Hugentobler. “I also believe in miracles,” said Hans Egli. The second round at 4. March, the merchants, the Zurich cantonal Council in accordance with the 24. March is may also: a woman majority: Under the direction of the “Tages-Anzeiger”-editor-in-Chief Judith Wittwer discuss: Jacqueline Fehr (SP), Natalie Rickli (SVP), Carmen Walker Späh (FDP), Jörg Mäder (GLP), Walter fear (AL) and Rosmarie Quadranti (BDP).
Created: 25.02.2019, 22:58 PM