“Russian tv: Putin’s superweapon knock out targets in the U.S.”
“the news Anchor listed the possible targets for the new robot”
“WASHINGTON DC. On Sunday evening, reported the Russian statstelevision the case in the united states that Russia would aim at during a war.”
“the Host Dmitri Kiselyov showed a map of the united states, where he pointed out the targets – including the Pentagon.”
“He said that the new superrobot Zircon would be able to achieve their goals in less than five minutes.”
“The Russian television listed in the possible different possible military targets in the united states, including the Pentagon and Camp David in Maryland.”
“the Tv programme anchor, Dmitry Kiselyov, claimed that it would be able to hit the targets quickly. The new robot Zircon would be able to achieve their goals in under five minutes if it is fired from a submarine, ” he said.”
“Concern over development”
“Since president Trump withdrew from the INF treaty and Putin then did the same, the tension increased between the two countries.”
“Russia has expressed a concern that the united states will move the units and robots, with the capacity to be fitted with nuclear warheads, to Europe.”
“the united states has said that it will not make it and have dismissed president Putin’s warnings as ”propaganda”.”
“Putin has said he does not want a new arms race, but at the same time, he has begun to speak more and more about the weapon and also started to develop new weapon systems, including the dreaded and super-fast Zircon–robot.”
“The Russian president has also said that Russia is ready for ”a new cuban crisis, if the united states wants to have a”.”
“Dmitri Kiselyov, a news anchor in the program ”Vesti Nedeli” of the Russian television is Putin close.”
“According to the news agency Reuters is Kiselyov, one of the main anti-americans in television. He is supposed to have once said in the television that Russia could turn U.S. to radioactive ash.”
“Reuters asked the Kremlin if a comment concerning Kiselyov on Monday, but only got for answer that they do not put themselves in statstelevisionens editorial decision.”