After it has emerged that a teacher at the Karensmindeskolen in the north of Jutland, has been charged with filming children dress, call the director of children and young people in Rebild Municipality in the case of completely unacceptable.
She Stoustrup, who is the director in the Rebild Municipality with responsibility for children and young people, call the matter to the totally unacceptable.
– I can not complain enough about the children that have been filmed, she says to Ekstra Bladet.
– An action which it here is a breach of trust. Students should be able to feel safe at their school.
the Comment comes on the background of the case, where, in a dressing room were found a backpack with monitoring equipment.
– They look in the backpack is a camera in a pen. It delivers the in the office, who contacts us and it turns out that the camera is connected to a memory card, tells vicepolitiinspektør Frank Olsen, who is the head of the investigation, according to Ritzau.
The controversial issue now means that the school offers help to the children or the parents who have been involved in the hidden footage.
– We communicate as openly as we can. We offer psychological help to those who need it, she says.
the School invites you to a dialogue meeting in the morning, where the police and the psychologists will also participate.
the Police highlights the fact that the videos of the children reportedly not been shared anywhere.