A teenager lost his life and two are admitted to Ullevål hospital with life-threatening injuries after the accident in a togtunnel at Filipstad, in the west of Oslo city centre. All three are under the age of 18 years and attending school.

In november 2002 killed a 17-year-old boy who had gone into the same tunnel with two comrades to tag as passenger coaches. 17-year-old climbed up on a train that was parked inside the hensettingsanlegget and died instantly when he got to 16,000 volts through the body.

Think the teens came down the cable 5,35 metres above the ground

Accident has similarities with this. The police will still keep on with their investigations. To the extent that they have the need for assistance from the Path, Nor, as we have connected in a separate investigation and analyseenhet. The accident didn’t affect the overall train traffic, ” says pressevakt Harry Korslund in the Path Nor to the NTB.

– the Tragic

the Accident is being investigated by the police who have kriminalteknikere on-site.

– It is a tragic accident. There are children who are involved, teens under the age of 18 years. We try to find out what has happened, and why they have decided on to move into the tunnel. We operate with the technical investigation and to have a meeting about it, ” says the head of department Frode Andreassen by sections for spesialsaker in the Oslo police to the NTB.

the Police have been keen to ensure the next of kin, but also has a desire to speak with the two who are hospitalized.

– It is also natural to look at the conditions of the place, but in general, it is difficult to secure sites of this type against people who want to get into, ” says Andreassen.

DIED: A person is dead after coming in contact with a live electrical source in a togtunnel in Oslo, norway, reports NRK. The other two are injured. Video: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet Show more Siding

the Accident happened in a part of the Path Nors facilities for the parking of trains at Filipstad. The area where the accident happened is blocked off with fences.

Teenager dead, two life-threatening injury

– At the weekend it is full with a train set that stands stallet up there. The message went out that the accident happened some distance into the tunnel. Hensettingsanlegget located to the west of the tunnel. It goes track the facility for pulling the train in and out, ” explains Korslund.

They believe the injured was found first and taken to Ullevål hospital. They stated that they had been with an additional person. This teen was later found critically injured longer inside the tunnel, but died of his injuries.

the Police received a message about the matter a little after o’clock 16.30 Sunday. the