And six. A player in “sustainable finance”, Mirova is launching its 6th fund to continue its investments in the energy transition, Mirova Energy Transition, with the aim of raising 2 billion euros. A necessity as the financier has soon finished deploying 1.6 billion euros from its previous fund and has almost 1 billion euros in projects to finance. “There is room in a growing market,” summarizes Raphaël Lance, director of Energy Transition funds at Mirova.

The fund remains faithful to its three investment theses. First, the production of renewable electricity (mainly wind and solar) and storage. Then, the development of uses and particularly electric mobility, with the financing of charging stations or fleets of electric vehicles. And finally support for green hydrogen.

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“We want to be a partner of developers whom we support in their growth by buying projects in development to help them grow, by setting up joint ventures or by entering directly into the capital of start-ups,” explains Raphaël Lance, concerned “ to enter early in the value chain to help the evolution of the energy mix. The fund is positioned due, in particular, to the expectations of investors keen to “green” their portfolio.

Mirova Energy Transition meets the requirements of Article 9 of the European Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and the European taxonomy. The interest it arouses goes beyond the borders of Europe. Fund V had attracted investors from Japan and South Korea and North America.