Friday morning discovered the neighbors to a primary school the borough of Queens in New York city that the asphalt in the schoolyard was covered by the anti-semitic krittegninger.

A number of hakkekors, the words “Hail Hitler” (sic) as well as “Riksørnen”, which figurerte in the nazi coat of arms, was seems that met them.

Byrådsmedlem Karen Koslowitz, who represents the district, tells CNN that the site is a jewish neighborhood. Her office should have received photos from barneskolens neighbors, and immediately took contact with the police.

Police confirms to the CNN they are investigating the incident, and that the device is working with the hate crimes are involved.

– Cruel

– I am terrified, horrified and disgusted over what I have witnessed today. Enough is enough, she writes in a post on Twitter, and elaborates on the face of CNN that there is any doubt about whether it is to talk about hate crimes.

According to NBC, there shall have been closed this week, and no students who stayed in the building. The police closed the still of the schoolyard in a period of etterforskningshensyn. The drawings will now be washed away.

the Leader of the byrådets jewish faction, Chaim Deutch, asks in a post on Twitter the New York city mayor to implement the bill promoted by he himself and byrådsmedlem Mark D Levine. They believe the city should create an office to work dedicated to preventing hate crimes, as well as an educational training program about the consequences of hatred and anti-semitism, in the light of the last tidas development.

the School got a shock when they saw klassebildet. Now starts the police investigation

the Police report namely a marked increase in hate crimes in the city. So far this year it has been reported 55 cases, an increase of 72 per cent compared with the previous year. Anti-semitic motivated cases will have increased by 22 per cent from 2017 to 2018, according to The New York Times.

Increasing anti-semitism

In the fall we saw one of the voldeligste examples of this, as Robert Bowers (46) stormed into a synagogue in Pittsburgh, and took the lives of eleven people.

U.s. president Donald Trump has condemned the mass killings in Pittsburgh as “pure evil, honestly, something that is unthinkable”. But according to a commentator in the Washington Post this is far from the truth.

– For all who have followed, is to slaughter that took place in the Tree of Life-the synagogue is not only likely, but also unavoidable, writes Karen Tumulty.

She points to the fact that the number of cases of hate crimes against jews and jewish institutions increased by around 57 per cent only in the last year.

– This is the symptom. The reason is a climate in which white nationalists and hate groups no longer held down, but dare to show the face, she writes and shows, among others, to the march in Charlottesville last year, where the white nationalists and neo-nazis shouted slogans such as “jews must not replace us.”

around the World condemned the massacre, which can be the worst against jews in us history. Pope Francis, Germany’s prime minister Angela Merkel and the Council of europe’s secretary general Thorbjørn Jagland is among those who have reacted sharply.

While the pope believes Pittsburgh-the attack was inhuman, mean both Jagland and Merkel that the attack is a sign of growing anti-semitism all over the world.

Shouted, “all jews must die” in the emergency room. Now tells the jewish nurse about the encounter with the killer