writing a new chapter in the history of skandalebyggeriet in the City.

On the tenth anniversary of the project completion has the DR had to replace the environmentally friendly, pvc-free tag with the ordinary roofing felt at the DR concert hall and the so-called Segment 2, where a large part of the nyhedsproduktionen going on.

The Extra Leaf in the currently detecting on the basis of extensive aktindsigtsmateriale.

Although it is a rule of thumb among taglæggere that the roofing felt-the materials should keep in 35 years, began DR, already five years after the building was finished, with to repair the roof due to leaks.

the Leaks is ongoing tried patched, but rainwater is still passed down in one of the kontorområderne in the City as a result of the injury.

While the renovation of the DR Koncerthusets the roof, and insulation is completed, is still on the roof on Segment 2.

the Facts: It is pvc

Polyvinyl chloride is a thermoplastic-type that is highly polluting when burning, which can create acid rain, if it ends up in the atmosphere.

the Material has been in use for more than 50 years and is due to its technical properties very widely used.

It is purely in volume terms, one of the most widely used type of plastic.

It is used for a variety of frequently-used products, everything from tar paper to the raincoats of medical equipment.

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Aktindsigter in the current renovations that have been going on since the summer of 2017, shows that the bill is also of considerable size.

the Renovations come on the whole to cost 40 million kronor, which is equivalent to more than 60 DR-journalists in a year, or all applications on the DRK in a year.

Per Anker Jensen, associate professor at DTU, and during his time as deputy project director in DR was with the inside of the building project, as it was in its initial stage, says that environmental concerns were a priority with DR.

Lektoren look at the building, which is in turn affected by the problems, with concern.

– It has been a very serious problem – also for the DR’s economy.

He believes that the problems are due to the construction complexity.

– When building something that is so special with stjernearkitekter, which will create something spectacular, there is a risk of it.

– It may not come as a surprise, he says.

DR Koncerthuset’s supposed to be a meteor that has landed on the isle of Amager and frozen in blue ice.

Seen from an economic perspective, looking further out, as if meteoren is the country in the DR’s budgets.

the Danish policy – 18. sep. 2018 – at. 09:53 DR’s austerity plan: Three tv channels closes

the Behavior of the DR concert hall and the DR Town resulted in cost overruns of more than a billion dollars, the layoffs of the leading figures in construction and in the DR’s board of directors.

Just DR Koncerthuset alone exceeded the budget by about a billion dollars. The price rose from around 600 million to 1.6 billion crowns.


DR: It went up in welds

Poul Holt, who is head of the DR Properties, dry only speculate on that taglækagen due to improper choice of materials. Photo: DR
Ekstra Bladet has tried in vain to get an oral interview with DR about the renovation.

DR only wanted to respond to Ekstra questions over email.

– What was utæthederne in the welds?

‘The product, which was used, went up in welds’, writes Poul Holt, who is head of the DR Properties and Services.

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– you Can get the reason for utæthederne more detail?

‘There is no doubt that the reason for utæthederne in the roof was that tagdugen went up in welds’.

‘As I have previously explained, we cannot exclude the possibility that this is because of the environmental concerns was added a pvc-free tagdug. But it is, as I said, conjecture’.

– DR should have investigated whether, for example, due to a bug in the product? Lack of maintenance? Incorrect material? Or improper mounting?

‘We have found that tagdugen went up in welds’, writes Poul Holt.


still Lack answer

the Extra Leaf has also asked DR. the following question, which has not yet been answered:

– Had expected that the material could just keep some years before it had to be repaired, and only a little more than a decade, before it absolutely needed to be replaced?

– Where to place the DR in charge of the bill on dkk 40 million in this case? From the manufacturer? With the construction manager? At any consulting firm?


Manufacturer: roofing felt to keep in the 40 years

Erik Øyno, ceo of Protan, which provided the tagdugen, can’t answer why it went up in the welds. Pr photo
Norwegian Protan, who have supplied the pvc-free tagdug, which today is replaced.

Protans ceo Erik Øyno, says that he is familiar with that the DR have replaced their product, but do not know the cause.

– We’ve had people who have looked at the case, and we have offered to repair the damage, but I do not know for the reason that you have replaced the roof.

– What do you think of that have had to replace the roof and to continuously repair it?

– They have chosen to use taken for different purposes, and they have made significant punctures in the roof, but our standard-pvc-tag has a documented warranty on more than 40 years.

– This tag is pvc …

– It is true. As I understand, is the roof, which was delivered in 2006, without pvc, so it is of a different termaplastisk substance

– Have the same lifetime?

– These types of roofs (the ones without pvc, red.) can we not demonstrate the same life.

– But you expect them to last more than a handful of years?

– I think that building materials should be able to keep more than ten years.

– You say that they have used the roof for various purposes. What do you mean by it?

– They have used taken to ventilationsformål, and there are many, many installations on the roof, and this may have caused nicks in the roof, which we delivered nearly 15 years ago.

And for reasons I do not know, is that come the leaks in the structure, says Erik Øyno.

Protan is a worldwide company and informs on its website that it has an annual turnover of 920 million kronor.