HOBRO (Extra Leaf)

This week’s trænerskifte in the West-meant that last season’s Superliga top scorer Pål Alexander Kirkevold got a great wish fulfilled.

Opposite Allan Kuhn was the new man, Peter Sørensen, namely not doubt that the Norwegian would have a mate in the front to reconnect with old dangerousness.

Therefore came Julian Kristoffersen with from the start in a 4-4-2 formation.

the Reward for it was already after 16 minutes of play, en Kirkevold sent the ball into the net for 1-0 and thus scored for the first time since a match against south Jutland in may of last year.

When that is gone so long, hang it in a high degree, together with, to Kirkevold was injured most of the autumn. And only now is on a path to rediscover his old self.

I have always been most dangerous when we play with two attackers. Therefore, I am of course pleased that it is it, as Peter Sørensen will. And it was in the nature of a great redemption, that I finally again got scored again, found Kirkevold after the important victory over the top 6 applicants Esbjerg, where Hobro-the team in general played with winning charisma.

– I had said to Allan Kuhn, that I absolutely would not be up there alone – bl.a. because there was so much between the chains, and because I came to running very vain. But for various reasons were not made.

Now it so happened – and without saying anything bad about Kuhn, I would say that there is no doubt that trænerskiftet has given us new energy. Therefore, we can only look forward with optimism, stated the Norwegian bombs.

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