Right at the and almost.

The home feature at this year’s melodi grand prix in the form of Julie Berthelsen and Nina Kreutzmann Jørgensen’s song ‘League of Light’ did all the way to the finals and ended up in second place.

well-Known Absolutely love the grand prix after-party: It so you’re NOT on tv!

Julie Berthelsen and Nina (in the middle) together with the winner Leonora immediately before the exciting decision. Photo: Mogens Flindt

The two women, who obviously had great support from the hjemmepublikummet in Greenland, was surpassed only by the sovereign wins Leonora, with 42 percent of finalestemmerne never was in real danger of missing manager position as Denmark’s representative at Eurovision in Israel in may.

Julie and Nina had the whole hall with them as they fired their song ‘League of Light’. Photo: Mogens Flindt

After the victory failed, it was a disappointed couple, who commented on the defeat.

– We had believed firmly in it, so of course it is both hard and something worse practice. We are bored of it. I have a sense of emptiness, and is in one way or another in shock. I was pretty sure that we would win. We thought quite wild on it, says Nina Kreutzmann.

There is, however, a small positive side-effect of that victory failed.

– Something that I only have told my family is that if we had won and it would have been in Israel, so I would not have been able to be with my daughter’s confirmation, but it can I can now. It means a lot. So in one way or another, so there is a little positive to see in it, says Nina Kreutzmann Jørgensen after finalenederlaget and adds:

– It is also nice to get a good, cold beer and a gin-tonic. We have damned hard to earn.

In the wake of the defeat, several greenlandic grand prix-fans told me that they believe that their sms votes have not been registered.

DR announces that they will investigate the matter and communicate when they have reached a conclusion.