The groups of the FDP and the Greens have taken a position with the EU framework agreement negotiated: The liberals say from a common-sense reasons, Yes, the Greens want a more social Treaty, and demanding renegotiation.
The Federal house group of the FDP held on Friday and Saturday in Engelberg, a Seminar on the framework agreement between Switzerland and the European Union (EU). On the internal party opinion-forming, the free Democrat foreign Minister, Ignazio Cassis, took part. Minister of justice, Karin Keller-Sutter was absent because of illness.
The discussion was intense and lasted for about two hours longer than announced. The group had “very clear” to the framework agreement, said group chief Beat Walti (ZH) on Saturday afternoon to the media. It was a Yes from reason.
As the reasons for the approval of the framework agreement Walti called the right to safety, securing access to the EU single market and the clear rules that would be created for the further development of the bilateral way.
‘ Yes ‘ to the economy, no to the EU-accession
The economic arguments were for the FDP Central. Party President Petra Gössi said, the group standing to the economy. The European Union is the main trading partner of Switzerland.
in Addition, the FDP wants to save group of the bilateral way. This should not erode, because it’s protecting us against an EU-accession, the FDP does not want to, said Gössi. Of course, there are also in the FDP certain concerns. Reservations in the sense of renegotiations, however, were not signed, said group chief Walti. Since the EU is such a negative, this would be a sham.
In three points, like the free-minded but still is the elaboration of The first point, the Union citizens Directive, which has been excluded from the framework agreement is the second of the protection of Wages, which should not be weakened in accordance with the FDP material, and the third is the guillotine clause, the ratio should be moderate.
Green: Against populism
Previously, the Green group also had a relative position to the frame agreement. It requires follow-up negotiations, in order to achieve a better protection of Wages. The Greens propose that the European Union in tax matters, in order to move these renegotiations. The EU had rejected renegotiations so far, strictly.
Only those who will be able to overcome the guarantee of adequate wages and tax loopholes to fight, the growing populism and nationalism, said party President Regula Rytz said in a statement.
The Federal Council had been in long negotiations with the EU has reached an institutional agreement in December 2018 published but not yet formed a clear Position.
With the framework agreement to the bilateral path and, thus, the access of the Swiss economy to the EU internal market. Critics fear that the agreement could curtail the sovereignty of Switzerland. (Dec/sda)
Created: 23.02.2019, 16:44 PM