Sint-Truiden, Ludwig Vandenhove (sp.a) mixes in the climate change debate between ecologisten and ecorealisten, with an idea of the late Steve Stevaert. Again free buses by the province of Limburg and what it is concerned also by the whole Flanders
“The government in Luxembourg, the public transport system in the country free of charge. The country invests in cleaner air and untangle the traffic interchange. Luxembourg City, the capital, have to deal with huge traffic jams and traffic chaos. Therefore, all the tickets on buses, trains and trams from this summer abolished. Public transport in Luxembourg was already not very expensive, it was even free for young people under 20 years of age. A ticket for 2 hours costs 2 euro, a day ticket is only 4 euros. The city itself has 110,000 residents, but commuting every day 400,000 people to the capital. In addition, the roads are also a further 200,000 workers from Belgium, France and Germany to swallow,” says provincieraadslid Ludwig Vandenhove (sp.a).
“Well … ”
“Why should that example not follow in Flanders?”, says Vandenhove. “Something urgently needs to happen in terms of addressing the climate change issue, this would be an important step.” Anuna Dewever, which, at the time we call her next to Greta Thunberg to argue, respond already enthusiastic: “Finally, a politician who understood it. It’s just a well idea to make public transport free. This is one of the keys to a better climate.”
Missed opportunity
“Belgium and especially Flanders have once again missed a great opportunity at the Climate summit in Warsaw. Embarrassing calls spokesman of Greenpeace Belgium Joeri Thijs. There is an urgent need for a global and long termijnaanpak. Why not go to a Klimaatpact in the long term, where as many as possible political parties, employers ‘ organisations, trade unions and other civil society groups can scissors? By long term I mean also about elections. The climate issue affects us all and has long been, no (party)political issue, more as a other,” says Vandenhove.