care financing is on shaky ground. Who should pay for the growing number of needy in the future? In Bavaria, a cooperative shows could go.

for three years the money will be enough. According to the forecast of the Minister of health, Jens Spahn. Only the contribution rate to the nursing care insurance system was raised by 0.5 percentage points. By 2022, the financing should be in order. What, then, is unclear, says Spahn, and therefore calls for a fundamental debate about the funding of care.

The number of patient – currently nearly three and a half million – is rising steadily, experts expect up to 2050, with four and a half to five million people. Because there are already too few nurses, too, will have their pay continue to rise, in order to make the profession more attractive in future. All of this will no longer be able to bear the contribution payer and the patient are alone. It takes concepts, like, in the future, a care with high quality can be offered, which still remains affordable.

construction of nursing-WGs – without the high-profit maintenance

Martin Okrslar and a few like-Minded people had an idea: they founded the cooperative Maro, the self-determined housing projects calls in different places in southern Bavaria, including dementia and nursing-WGs. Because in addition to the payment of the nursing staff, it is the investment and building costs, make the maintenance expensive. Since years, more and more private investors are entering the market, particularly with the care of real estate with high returns.