You would think that if you had been kidnapped by the Islamic State, tortured, tormented, and held captive, so would man gang all the well-wishers and members of the organization far away.

How has the Danish freelance photographer and former hostage Daniel Rye, however, it is not.

To TV 2 he says that the Danish democracy is built up in such a way that we must take against the Danish citizens, which in the past have joined the organization, and who now want to turn its nose against Denmark.

– As a starting point, I have from time to time a feeling of being angry. And the first thought would be that they must be of the same tray. But I am fundamentally not raised in a country, which advocates an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. This is what sharia law is built up on. It was the Islamic State tried to build a system on. It is here, we must fight for our values, he says to TV 2.

the Topic has been intensely debated the last week, after the us president, Donald Trump was out and announce that the countries must take home and bring to justice the IS fighters from Syria.

It has since spawned several reactions from the Danish as well as foreign politicians.

– A Danish citizen who is a Danish citizen. How little we want them home to Denmark, so is it the case that if you are not a dual citizen, so are you a Danish citizen. It will say that we can not prevent you from getting a Danish passport, and that you suddenly stand in Denmark – and so we have many means to prosecute people, ” said justice minister Søren Pape Poulsen to TV 2.

the Article continues under the picture …
Photo: Stine Rasmussen

The announcement has, however, met with resistance by, among others, the Danish people’s Party, minister for foreign affairs Anders Samuelsen, as well as a majority of the danes. A measurement, which Jyllands-Posten has brought, shows that 65 percent of the Danish population says ‘no thanks’ to get the slain warriors return.

however, It is not something that tugs at Daniel Rye standpoint.

– I think most think that they must be away, if we listen to our feelings. They have betrayed us and done terrible things. But now our society is built on things other than feelings. Let be to come up with populist headlines, and let us relate to the nuanced reality we are a part of. Let us teach our enemy to know, he says to TV 2.

Daniel Rye was being held captive in 398 days after he was kidnapped, when he, through his work as a photographer was taken at the reportagetur in war-torn Syria.

As a hostage he underwent arguably inhumane incidents, when he among other things had to be starved and forced to stand in a stretched out posture with the hands above the head for several days in a row of her captors.

however, He was released and has since held several lectures about his time in Syria.

In the latest assessment from PET sounds, approximately 30 Danish syrienskrigere are still in the conflict zone.