ICANN (internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) has among other things responsibility for the global assignment of domain names and internet addresses. The beat after krisemøtet Friday determined that there exists a significant risk directed toward the central parts of the infrastructure of the internet. This can threaten the global web traffic.

– They go after internettinfrastrukturen. There have been targeted attacks in the past, but not something like this, ” says the principal of the ICANN David Conrad.

Concern has increased

the Attacks that are discovered, goes back as far as 2017, but concerns with sikkerhetsfolkene in ICANN has increased over the last few weeks, which led to krisemøtet Friday.

The malicious activity is directed toward the Domain Name System, or DNS, which conveys traffic to the specified nettdestinasjoner.

ICANN-experts say the attacks potentially can intercept data on the way, sniksende the traffic in the other direction or make the attackers able to spoof websites, simply “take over” domains and pretend it is the driver side.

– There are no tools to seize this an with, ” says Conrad.

Potentially a lot of damage

the U.s. government went in January with a similar warning where they compared the attacks with some going to the post office, lying about they live at your address and collect your mail, check your mailbox, and then selectively put mail in your mailbox.

– It can cause a lot of damage for you (and senders of mail), depending on what the consignment contains, underlined in the warning.