The Norwegian public opinion is in the breaking-up and on the way to the new positions. It applies to both the bourgeois bloc and the political parties on the left. The relationship is evident in the latest political poll Ipsos has done for the Newspaper. The winners are Right, Red and the centre party. This reflects a development that has been going on for a time: There is unrest among the voters in the two hovedblokkene in Norwegian politics, and many are ready for partnerbytte.

the Numbers for the coalition parties is downright dangerous for the coalition’s unity and future prospects. The right note for 25.1 per cent which is a progress in a little over two percentage points. The problem is that the partners are threatened by the destruction, inner turmoil, or both. The left (2.3 per cent) and Sector (2.5 per cent) is now stable at a katastrofenivå.

It doesn’t make matters easier that the Left-leader Trine Skei Grande almost is in free fall. Only 8 per cent of the voters believe she is doing a good job. Among their own voters fall the level from 56 per cent in november last year, to 16 per cent in February of this year. It suggests a fairly massive tillitssvikt for Skei Grande.

For the government, it is also a problem that the conservative party only to get a support level of 10 per cent, down from 13 per cent at the previous measurement. This is due in some degree that the party is weakened by a long series of unpleasant personnel cases. More important is that the progress party is experiencing fierce political competition from the center party in many of their core business. Also, not innvandringskortet longer a sure trump.

On the left is Rødts progress almost sensational, and it confirms a growth that is caught up on almost all measurements. Red will get 6.6 per cent, while the SV goes back to 7 per cent and the Labour party gets 26.9. The centre party note knallsterke 13 per cent which is the best measurement of a few years. Also Miljøpartiet approaching the threshold with 3.8 percent.

Was the choice in the morning would the left have swept Erna & Co. of the path and taken over the governmental power. But champagne has a bismak. Rødts progress is not only a result of that Bjørnar Moxnes is a skilled politician. Red is about to take over the socialist left role as an essential party, and draws voters from both SV and Ap.

at the same time carrying the party with an authoritarian, marxist-leninistisk tradition that are not politically settled. Red can become the source of much unrest and the struggle for voters in the weeks to come. The left is not a political statement, and has not utmeislet a regjeringsalternativ.

Trond Giske make a comeback in the toppolitikken? Comment