the Leader of the committee has informed me that it is no longer possible to get a unanimous recommendation of me to the executive committee of the county Party, type Giske on Facebook.

He writes, moreover, that a shared setting will lead to the noise and conflict right up to the general assembly. Thus, he wants no longer a place in the executive committee. Ap-top retreat, however, not as tiltredende member of the board of the county Ap, or as the leader of the organisasjonsutvalget.

Tiltredende member of the board means that Giske has the right to meet in fylkesstyret in virtue of being elected to the Parliament from the county of Trøndelag Ap.

Since he is not now a member of the executive committee, Giske, nor place the important national executive committee in Ap.

Neither of Trøndelag Party or myself, it is a desirable situation. It is a half years into an important local elections and we need to get the attention of the candidates our, on politics and on our answers for a better Trøndelag, continues Giske.

Extraordinary meeting

In the afternoon, the nomination committee has held an extraordinary telefonmøtet in connection with the video of that Giske is close to a young woman on the dance floor.

Giske was strongly critical of vg’s coverage of the case and arrived Friday morning with demands for an apology from the newspaper.

– I sit still as tiltredende a member of the board of directors of the county Party and the leader of the organisasjonsutvalget. A still noise about an AU-place is not worth the strain it would entail for all party members, officers and candidates for local elections, writes Giske further on Facebook.

RECEIVED SMS: Jorodd Asphjell, the leader of the nomination committee of the county Ap, got Giske video on SMS during the meeting of the committee. Video: Emilie Rydning / Dagbladet Show more – Not so bad

the Woman on the video said Thursday night that the film was not as bad as it could look.

It was nothing more than a dance. It was we who contacted him, not vice versa. It was nothing other than pleasant tone. We experienced it as okay and okay, and he went well from the nightspot before we did, ” said the woman.

on Friday afternoon, it became known that some threatened komitélederen with VG-case in advance of that video was published.

Friday evening Trøndelag AUF according to the plan also have a meeting about their confidence to Giske. He comes in the afternoon with a new attack on the VG.

the Media has also engaged itself strongly in this styrevalget. It peaked in a very inaccurate case in VG last night. A video, that it involved the woman says is completely unproblematic, is used in order to push the nomination committee with the threat that it would be going in the VG if I was not the wreck. When the threat is not brought, it was used to a very incorrect representation of the VG, type Giske.

Demanding for the family

Giske writes further that the concern of the family has spoken with in the assessment of his:

The process we have been through has been difficult, first of all for my family and me, but also for the party – and fagbevegelsesvenner, he writes.

Giske said, adding that he hopes it will be possible to go forward together.

I had a desire to engage me stronger in Trøndelag Arbeiderpartis control for the issues I’m passionate about in Trøndelag and Norway. The commitment I am taking with me in the role I now play in the board and in the organisasjonsutvalget.

the Opened way

The former Ap-the deputy chair also refers to the final dot party set in the treatment of varslersakene against him earlier in the winter. Ap-leder Jonas Gahr Støre and secretary Kjersti Stenseng rejected giske’s demand to have treated the cases again, and stated that Giske has breached the party’s guidelines for sexual harassment.

Giske pulls in their Facebook posts until a second point in the letter from the partiledelsen:

Earlier in the winter, said Jonas Gahr Støre, and Kjersti Stenseng that it is not something that stands in the way of my full participation in the party. It was the reason that I said yes to being a candidate. The question of whether I should be AU-member instead of tiltredende board member, has created a lot of engagement. I am very happy for the great support I have experienced in the Norwegian workers Party, he writes.

Komitelederen reveals: Was threatened with VG-case before they selected Giske