It was a “sustained and substantial risk” to important components of with sites related infrastructure. This is the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) announced after an emergency meeting on Friday (local time).

Specifically, the unknown attacker could have changed the addresses of web pages, among other things, to access the personal data of users, said the Internet address management to ICANN. The attacks could reach up to 2017, would have resulted in specialist for Internet security in the past few weeks, but to considerable concern. The emergency meeting was convened.

in Iran

The U.S. authorities had recently warned of attacks on the System of web addresses. “This is roughly comparable with someone who is lying to the post office about your address, your letters verified, and then even in your letter box throws,” said the U.S. Department of homeland security. “Lots of malicious things could be done (or the senders), depending on the content of the Post.”

According to data from ICANN to experts, the attacks focused on governments as well as intelligence services, the police or the company. Affected both Europe and the middle East. According to the specialist for Cyber-espionage Ben Read the traces of the attack in the Iran. (roy/SDA)

Created: 23.02.2019, 06:37 PM