“Blow of the party of the confederation of Swedish Enterprise”

“the Employers’ proposals would have drastic consequences.”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“It is in all cases a place where januariavtalet has started loving atmosphere seriously. From main street in Östermalm in Stockholm, where the Swedish Business community agree to come in the week a really glädjevrål. The directors have presented their proposals for changes in job security.”

“It is, one might say, rather far-reaching.nSvenskt Business do not want just away turordningsreglerna. In the proposal presented in the week, it removes the requirement of objective grounds for a dismissal entirely. Other laws are sufficient, according to the Swedish Business sector in order to protect against discrimination.”

“Termination without clear reason.”

“the Employers’ proposals would – if implemented – have dramatic effects on the ordinary workplace. It would no longer be any clear reasons for losing the job and there would be nothing for the unions to negotiate.”

“We’ve written it before, when we commented on the requirement to remove the turordningsreglerna. People will lose the job because their children are sick, because they are too cheeky or just, because they have become too old.”

“If it’s not even needed a factual basis for the termination, it would not be something to discuss or question. Januariavtalet says that a ”

“LO, who is just now discussing the issue of employment with the employers, takes initiative with lofty calm.”

“– An approach in our negotiations, ” says a uk government minister defends Torbjörn Johansson to the newspaper Work.”

“So it is, hopefully. At the same time will probably do both Stefan Löfven and the other politicians around the januariavtalet be wise to expect that the level of employment protection can create new problems. In the settlement, the parties have been given the assignment to try and resolve the issue.”

“Everyone must want to be with.”

“It is a method that often works, but it requires that both unions and employers, really want to find a solution and keep the politicians away.”

“The latest signals from the confederation of Swedish Enterprise speaks a different language. The risk is that employers expect to be able to get through it all and then some with the help of their agents in the Centre party and the Liberals.”

“So it can’t be. It should be Stefan Löfven and Ylva Johansson make it clear, first as last.”