“Expert warns:”

“this Week’s disclosure that the millions of vårdsamtal to 1177 Vårdguiden been on an unprotected server upsets many.”

“But the case is hardly unique, according to an expert.”

“Would you go out and look so you will find both the one and the other completely open on the internet,” says security David Jacoby.”

“on Monday, came the disclosure from Computer Sweden: Recorded phone calls about people’s diseases to 1177 Vårdguiden, as received by Medicall, a subsidiary of the responsible health care provider Medhelp, has been open on an unprotected server for several years.”

“Also calls on the medical transportation has been out there on the web. How many downloads that have been made in total over the years can not, however, Voice Integrate, one of the contractors who handled the storage of certain calls, to disclose.”

“the Subcontractor of the president to DN explained the mistake to someone probably.”

“– We get it that it sounds crazy, but it’s not a lot it may sound, the explanations reasonable, says Rikard Hjort who is studying computer science at Chalmers university in Gothenburg, sweden and have collected the quotes from the companies involved and put up in a very busy post on Facebook.”

“Many things unprotected.”

“the Scandal is a fact – but how could such a thing really happen? This happens all the time, argues David Jacoby, a security expert at security firm Kaspersky Lab.”

“– It is nothing new that we do, but a common mistake. Cutting up things on the internet that should not be exposed there, but on a local network, ” he says to TT.”

“– this is the core of it security. It is so complicated that one might focus on the virus but forget the usual routines.”

“Especially risky in light of how much really is connected towards the online and that can be easy for the wrong people to access, according to David Jacoby.”

“– Yes, that directories that are not protected, bensinstationers pumps… all these things are connected, ” he says and continues:”

“– There are atms located open up on the internet, monitoring systems and alarm systems where you can put off and on the doors of both individuals and businesses…. Do you know where to search so you can find on the destructive things.”

“TT: What should I do to access the gaps?”

” the Industry focuses on digital threats, and chasing the extremely large and complex in the gaps. But sometimes, it is enough that someone plug in a cord in a hard drive so it will be wrong, ” says David Jacoby, and concludes with:”

“– We need to follow the procedures. But it is more exciting to chase the virus from power.”

“Computer Sweden has revealed that the millions of recorded telephone calls to 1177 Vårdguiden – received by Medicall, a subsidiary of the responsible health care provider Medhelp – has been open on an unprotected server for several years.”

“the Material covers 2.7 million calls for a total of approximately 170,000 hours ago 2013 to vårdentreprenören Medicall – receiving the call from the regions of Stockholm, Södermanland and Värmland – and that remained unprotected and open to listen to or download online, reveals Computer Sweden (CS).”

“A subcontractor, the Voice called Integrate, which has dealt with the storage of certain call has neither the logs of visitors or information about how many downloads that have been made for the period 2016 to early 2018.”

“Medhelp receiving patientsamtalen in a press release, announced that it concludes the agreement with Voice Integrate the carrier services after the recent events.”

“Now healthcare provider Medhelp islands in the magazine Computer Sweden, reports the daily News. The notifications regarding suspected hacking, suspected of incitement to hacking and the unauthorized disclosure of personal information.”

“the Subcontractor Medicall – which has its registered office in Thailand – is a subcontractor to the vårdentreprenören Medhelp receiving patientsamtal via 1177 Vårdguiden.”

“It is mainly during the uncomfortable times that the calls are sent on to the Medicall in Thailand, where the Swedish health care professionals are working to receive calls.”

“Medhelp has, in turn, contracts with county – council and council-owned Inera, which is principal for 1177 Vårdguiden.”

“Medicall uses a cloud-based phone system from the Swedish company Voice Integrate Nordic AB”

“Source: Computer Sweden”