The australian rat, the very first mammal to become extinct due to man-made climate change.

Gnagerarten melomys rubicola, who lived on a small koralløy north of Australia by the Great Barrier Reef, had not been observed in over ten years before it officially was declared extinct by the australian government on Tuesday.

the Insects disappear in the insane pace:- A catastrophic collapse of Australia, New Zealand and South America most at risk

According to a study from 2015, comes nearly eight percent of all species worldwide to become extinct if temperatures continue to rise in the same way.

The same study points toward Australia, New Zealand and South America as the most vulnerable areas in the world.

Director of the bjerknes Centre for climate research and professor at the University of bergen, Tore Furevik, looking at climate change and the rising temperatures with concern.

Australia is a kind country that brands climate change very well. They have had very special weather in years, with the warmest period in January of that which ever hath been observed, he says to Dagbladet.

Furevik adding that they in addition to a rekordvarm summer also experienced a flood earlier this month where hundreds of thousands of pets that died.

It was considered the worst flood in the country for over 100 years.

the Researchers are also looking with increasing concern at what is happening in the sea, where the world’s largest coral reef off the coast of Australia is in danger of dying out.

Australia is a hotspot when it comes to climate change, he states.

Intense weather conditions led to extinction

Furevik clarifies that the wildlife is used to a certain climate that it has taken many generations through hundreds of thousands of years to adapt.

united STATES: Minus 44 degrees.Australia: 46 degrees

When we have changes in climate that goes as quickly not have the nature ability to adapt to these changes, ” he says.

According to a report by the end of 2016, there is a rising sea level and generally extreme weather events that have led to a dramatic loss of lands where gnagerarten melomys lived.

It is incredibly disappointing, but there is no reason to doubt the reason behind their extinction, said the australian minister, the minister of Price to news agency CNET.

He elaborates that in a long time has been known among climate scientists that gnagerarten was most likely extinct and scientists have warned about the gnagerens fate for several years.

the Last time it was observed was in 2009, and already in 2014 concluded an investigation that there was no longer any trace of the mammal.

– It has had to stick to a very limited and isolated area. Melomys was also particularly vulnerable to a wide range of hazards including intense weather conditions, destructive storms, and extremely high sea levels, ” says Price.

the World’s largest kulleksportør

China is perhaps known as the largest consumer of coal in the world, but Australia exports more coal than any other country – and around 60 per cent of the electricity their comes from here.

the Un’s much-talked klimarapport which was published in the fall of 2018 encourage you to limit global warming to 1.5 degree.

despite the recommendations in this report, selected the australian government, nevertheless, to continue the coal industry, writes the BBC.

– the Government is not going to change on this policy just because some suggest that the best we can do is to follow the recommendations from this report, deputy prime minister Michael McCormack previously stated towards The Guardian.

Gave to the world three years to avoid klimakatastrofe. We are over halfway, and the experts are alarmed

The green party the Australian Greens believe the extinction of gnageren melomys highlights a dramatic lack of resources to the preservation of wildlife.

– the Extinction of the Bramble Cay’s melomys is a tragedy,” says the party’s senator Janet Rice, according to CNN. She currently leads a committee that examines the dyrelivets utryddelseskrise in Australia.

– It is already too late to avoid virkeskader

According to a climate researcher at NORCE, formerly known as Uni Research, Erik Kolstad, questions still about the extinction of the very first mammal to become a klimavekker.

– Not in politics, but it seems that people in general are more concerned about taking care of the environment. In the united STATES have hurricanes the last few years been a special wake-up call and people have begun to understand the seriousness, ” he says.

Kolstad points out that tørkeperioden we experienced last summer gave climate change a new face for the norwegians, and he is sure that we are going to hear a lot more about both global warming and extreme weather events in the future.

– the Problem is unfortunately that when we taste a bit on the effects of climate change, then it is already too late to avoid the harmful effects, ” he says and points out, among other things against the message of the UN report from last fall.

One of the strongest hovedpoengene to report is that, even though we already see the effects of global warming through extreme weather events and rising sea levels, so can these warnings still help us to reduce warming in the future.

For every degree we are able to restrict, the smaller the damage. One can easily get a håpløshetsfølelse and think that everything is too late, but we must do everything we can to limit the damage, conclude Kolstad.

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