The most beautiful word in the English language is trust. In a sustainable society is trust in the basic plate we build the house on. That makes it possible to make the changes needed for us to be able to build a sustainable society. Trust in our fellow human beings means that we stick together and not to set groups against each other. A vaccine against racism and short term thinking.

The expression of solidarity that the green Party is founded on is the best guarantor in order to increase trust in the whole society.

Our critics in the right wing would like to say that we are the left. At the same time, say our critics in the left-wing that we are bourgeois. The green party is neither conservative, liberal or socialist. Our ideology is green. Free and independent of the blocks, dogma, and nostalgia.

Around the world, today it is the children who expect us to be the adults in the political room. The skolstrejkar for the climate requires political action is now, not when they get the right to vote in the next election.

What is needed is a change of the economic system so that the fossil becomes more expensive than renewable. The sustainable choices in everyday life should be the obvious for everyone, not just for those with big wallets.

when I was researching in biology 20 years ago, it became obvious to me that the knowledge about the environment and climate challenge is already available. What is needed is a change of the economic system so that the fossil becomes more expensive than renewable. The sustainable choices in everyday life should be the obvious for everyone, not just for those with big wallets.

the green Party has recently been established a collection for decency in american politics. We have shown the world that it is possible to choose a different path where by the parliamentary branch of the right-wing extremist and racism is without influence.

When we go to choice if a bit over three years, require voters not only to feel that the green Party has contributed to a positive change in their lives during this term of office. Our work to develop the green policy should also have the courage to raise their eyes and even see beyond the next election campaign.

the green Party now needs to combine a strong focus on climate and environmental issues to develop policies for more quality of life, humanity and the reduction of disparities, not least between town and country.

In our own valutvärdering I see a problem as particularly serious, that the voters do not think that we understand ordinary people’s reality and circumstances.

The green policy is to change society, but we shall describe it according to how it can improve people’s everyday lives.

When we now, for example, miljardsatsar on the railway and public transport, so we make it for people easier to be able to travel to work and at the same time be a part of the solution in the climate-smart society. It also enables us to reach the climate targets for the transport sector is good, but it is not so we are going to explain our policy.

When we simplify and make it cheaper for people to mount solar cells on their roofs so it is to those who live there should be able to be a part of the solution to the climate crisis.

the ultimate goal for the greens is to create a sustainable society. If we do not get people to desire to participate in the construction of a sustainable society, we will not get success as a party.

We already need to start a big bet that in the elections of 2022 to be able to take back seats in the county councils and municipalities that currently lack elected representatives of the greens. An area that is particularly important to work with is to enhance the welfare, not the least of equivalent care in the whole country.

in Addition to this, there are three policy areas that are particularly important to develop in the coming years:

1 A fair green tax reform. During the term, we should implement a green tax shift of at least 15 billion. I want that we shall now let the green tax shift to be a model that combines the increased environmental and klimatskatter with reduced income taxes directed to those with the lowest incomes.

In Canada, has recently implemented such a reform with a klimatavgift exchanged for a direct, fair return to the citizens. The new fee introduced in Canada from 2019 will be increased gradually up to the year 2022. 90% of the revenues returned directly to citizens, the remaining 10% was spent on schools and hospitals. Because the bonus is the same for everyone, it will benefit households with low emissions, especially those with small margins. The fact is that 70 per cent of the households are getting back more than what they pay in.

the green Party is the party that can be a driving force in the work of a green tax reform in Sweden based on the same idea.

such A proposal also needs to be combined with a new reseavdrag based on distance to the job, something that will benefit those who live in rural and sparsely populated areas. This is important not only to get support for the necessary reforms, it is also good green policy.

2 Compassion instead of hatred megaphones. In more and more countries around Europe’s growing right-wing populist and racist parties in election after election. At the same time, we can also see how the pendulum swings. In country after country, people have tired of the hatred megaphones and calls for compassion.

for example In Germany and Belgium, our green sister parties have been clear and consistent in their commitment to an open and tolerant society. Combined with an aggressive climate policy rewarded this with a strong confidence of many voters. I am convinced that the green Party has the same potential here in Sweden.

We green should be the voice for all those who believe in the power of the open society. A society where all people have the same value, no matter if you are born here or have fled war, torture and persecution. Sweden should also offer protection for those fleeing from hedersförtryck, or because they are LGBTQ people. There is a wide support for families to be reunited and we are a watchdog in politics for that to become a reality.

3 Stop the extinction of species. The food we eat, the air we breathe and the water we drink is dependent on the existence of functioning ecosystems.

As a biologist at the ministry of finance, I see it as a particular responsibility in this legislature to greatly increase the pace of to increase the protection of valuable natural environments.

For this to succeed, it needs resources and priorities from the us in the negotiations on the state budget. Increased protection for sea, forest and grassland will require resources and where can voters trust that the green Party will be the strongest voice.

In the last legislature blew a lot of us in the office, but our trees are still standing. The green roots are stronger than ever. Now it is time for the tree to flower.

If the members want so I hope to get to do this together with Isabella Lövin in the finest mission I can think of, to be the members ‘ voice for the green policy.