It was not a mistake to publish the 50-year-old Christina Asklund as folketingskandidat for the party Klaus Riskær Pedersen.

It says partiformanden, Klaus Riskær Pedersen, to the DR, although he Thursday chose to bow her as a candidate for the upcoming elections.

on Tuesday, she was otherwise published as one of the party’s three candidates in addition to partiformanden itself.

Klaus Riskær Pedersen says that she can’t do mediepresset.

This is consistent with the explanation, Christina Asklund even came Thursday, when she told about why she was a wreck after only two days.

It was because Klaus Riskær Pedersen did not think she could handle mediepresset, said Asklund.

Christina is a really sweet girl with good causes, but my assessment is that she will have problems to cope with mediepresset, says Klaus Riskær Pedersen day then.

He maintains that it was not a mistake to appoint Christina Asklund as a candidate in the first place.

– No, syretesten is, when you come out in the public space as a candidate, and here is it my responsibility to provide the right team.

– Overall, it would be bad for her, and a weakening of the project, if I not found another, he says.

Klaus Riskær Pedersen elaborates no further, why Asklund got the quick kick out of the candidate list.

on Monday confirmed the Economy and the ministry of the Interior, that the party had collected the 20.109 vælgererklæringer, which is necessary in order to be opstillingsberettiget.

on Tuesday held Klaus Riskær Pedersen news conference where he also presented three candidates. Including Asklund.

He is now started to find a replacement for Asklund, as well as to find more candidates for his party.

He has received 245 submissions from people who want to make up, he says to DR.