the Labour party reject the bekymringsmeldingen against Trond Giske said that the party received Wednesday.

It confirms the secretary Kjersti Stenseng towards the Newspaper.

the Video’s contents are illuminated and those who are depicted have even spoken out about the background and the content. Sandlis contacting the party office will not get anything more formal treatment. I refer otherwise to the conclusion the nomination committee of the county Party has drawn in the day, ” she says.

trade union

Stenseng says she got bekymringsmeldingen from Knut Sandlie in the trade union on Wednesday night. As the Newspaper revealed earlier in the day, was Terje Ferstad from the trade union also involved in the case. He sent a SMS to the chairman of the committee that Giske experienced as a threat.

Stenseng says she contacted Sandlie Thursday to discuss bekymringsmeldinga.

Knut Sandlie has even reproduced the content in this e-mail to the media. I took contact with the Sandlie Thursday morning and asked him a few questions, as well as referred to our guidelines for the handling of cases and the various inquiries.

Støres doubt

Jonas Gahr Støre sore today also doubt whether giske’s political future at the top level.

– Can Giske few other key political positions in the future?

– Not that I look for me. Trust is something you must build over time. What has happened here has not strengthened it, answer Store.

Partilederen expresses great frustration that a new case with Trond Giske requires time and attention for the party.

RECEIVED SMS: Jorodd Asphjell, the leader of the nomination committee of the county Ap, got Giske video on SMS during the meeting of the committee. Video: Emilie Rydning / Dagbladet Show more Demand the VG-excuse

last night cracked the news about a short video by Trond Giske at a bar in Oslo.

Trond Giske regret that he said yes to be in the video that has triggered a new bekymringsmelding against him, but believes the issue has been portrayed completely incorrectly in the press.

– vg’s case paints the exact opposite picture of what was reality. Was it some person who had experienced being treated ugreit, and the video showed this does not, type Giske on Facebook Friday morning.

VG has only cited the woman on the video in one short sentence:

We danced and had enjoyable, so it was a bit much, so I and my friend went there, told the woman supposedly VG.

Thursday evening came the woman with the statement that went in the opposite direction from the VG had quoted her on the.

“It was nothing more than a dance. It was we who contacted him, not vice versa. It was nothing other than pleasant tone. We experienced it as okay and okay, and he went well from the nightspot before we did”, said the woman to the NRK.

“Ask Giske on where and what he did the night of Saturday to Sunday”