SEEFELD (Dagbladet): the Ski world CHAMPIONSHIP was preceded by two gold medals of the two possible, to Norway, and it is in a sport where we are the superpower. It was, therefore, the bars in Seefeld was smekkfulle of singing norwegians already when I left the scene like that right after the Children’s TV time last night.

You should not look away from that it was a bit too much of a good thing for the rest of the skipublikummet already after the first day of this championship. There is certainly at times been too much for the rest of the inner skifamilien:

Mighty Norway is not distinctly popular, neither in the international Skiforbundet (FIS) or among all your competitors.

It was possible to notice it in the course of the evening yesterday when Sergey Ustjugovs not entirely friendly klaps on the cheek to John Høsflot Klæbo should be commented on.

Then it was not freely offered unto the arrogant, Norway.

THE Russian langrennssjefen Jelena Välbe was angry:

wanted to fight,

– For Klæbo is Ustjugov and Bolsjunov like a red cloth for a bull, she said to the Russian news agency Tass, and added that Norwegian always behaves incorrectly when he meets these two skaters:

” the Jury is undoubtedly afraid to touch Norway; in particular, the god of all skirenn. They believe that the Klæbo not doing anything wrong because he went first. Then he can surely do what he will. Stop and calm down so that everything falls into from the rear, explained Välbe; an explanation that is not struck at rennjuryen. They gave instead Usjugov a yellow card, and rejected a Russian protest against Klæbo.

JUST we’ll be careful. When the Norwegian langrennssjefen Vidar Løfshus now, taking again towards Välbe, it is unnecessary. In this case, it is enough with the TV images in order to understand the difference between right and wrong.

While John undoubtedly had right on his side this time, the leading langrennsnasjonen consistently be rausere than the competition. It comes with it to be the greatest in a sport that is dependent on so many nations as possible.

It has taken quite a long time to understand the commitment. First, in the past have Vegard Ulvang chairman of the international langrennskomiteen been ok acceptance of a certain Norwegian humility. More and more we have ceased to pukke on what we feel is our inherent right in the slot since it was Norway that once 150 years ago walked up the trail and showed the rest of the world vinterveien.

aprés ski #2: The Norwegian world cup-the stars predict which of them is going to glean the most (gold)medals in Seefeld. See the full programme at Dagbladet TV in the evening. Show more

THE the change will hopefully help, although one of the main reasons for scepticism against Norway, no matter is left;

because of the clear stance against doping, the Norwegian leaders easily considered moralister.

.Not only do we gain, but we also tell each other that they are going to have to win honestly. The requirement does not fit in well with the culture in some countries.

KLÆBO even is far from as some moralist. Outside of the trail, he is no bull either. Had Välbe followed Norwegian on the patient, friendly and generous seiersintervjuet with the international press yesterday, she would be seen that in this case is to talk about the bull Ferdinand. For the like, to the peaceful guy.

A large, testosterontungt press corps had to use all of the tabloid tricks to pry up that the youngster probably had a little urge to push again. It had well otherwise all of us other guys done on the fly. But John is better raised than that.

There he gets the benefit of the future. It is the extreme self control that he is performing so smoothly in the very toughest fields.

And get him to remember the respect for the competitors.

IT is precisely the challenge for the Ski-Norway. When hoppgutta starts its kvalik in the afternoon, after a winter where the Norwegian environment have been reminded about just that. The many diskvalifikasjonene on the equipment reflects a somewhat tense relationship with the international management.

The Norwegian OLYMPIC heroes disqualified for errors on hoppdressene

It started in the summer when Norway because of injuries and illness cut out most of the launders in the Summer Grand Prix. It was seen as arrogant. Norway was after last winter’s success, have become too big for the rest of the sport?

Then came the conflict between the international hoppledelsen and organizers in Vikersund. Felt by staff themselves want. Finally, it was the only close personal ties between top leaders in the sport, which in the twelfth hour secured skiflyvningsbakken in Vikersund certificate and a new shed this winter.

THESE conflicts are the backdrop for the Norwegian athletes currently being disqualified for the rim its in situations where they probably could have released with the warning in the previous season.

during the course of the summer’s competitions were the rules changed without that it was the Norwegian athletes and leaders in place to get these fine nuances that determine utstyrsdommernes discretion. When Norway for the first time asked the team in in Klingenthal in October during the final of the Summer Grand Prix, it went completely wrong. Two athletes were disqualified, and the whole team went with an uncertainty of the equipment in this world cup season.

INSERT in the aftermath, such conflicts are unnecessary. For it is always the biggest of its responsibility to take into account the feelings of those who are less. Otherwise it quickly becomes overriding.

A Finnish brønnpisser

Now is the way to a new maktdemonstrasjon from Norway on VMs medaljeliste. There is something there and then, but not fun in the long run if it happens in a way that weakens the entire sport’s competitiveness.

Then it is just a soft John bull Ferdinand as good as a role model for how Norway should act in skiverdenen.

FOOTNOTE: Yes, I saw that the old uvenn Kari Pekka Kyrö also put themselves on the list of those who believed that the drama of the sprint was Klæbos sake. A place is still the limit for what we should take in the us. Kyrö was banned for life for his deceit, and the penalty should never been forgiven. Dopingsvindleres opinions about the sport they betrayed, is most often uinteressante.

the SKI world CHAMPIONSHIP PROGRAM Thursday 21. February

At 12: 00 noon Prologue sprint: Sprint freestyle women and gentlemen
Kl 14.00 Finals: Sprint freestyle women and gentlemen

Friday 22. February

At 10: 30 Am Jump storbakke: Combined (HS120 in Innsbruck)
At 16.15 Combined cross-country skiing: 10 km

Saturday 23. February

11: 00 Am 15 mile skibytte: Women
At 12: 30 pm 30 miles skibytte: Gentlemen
At 14.30 Jump Storbakke: Gentlemen

Sunday 24. February

Kl 09.15 semi-finals lagsprint: cross-country Skiing women and gentlemen
At 10: 30 Am Jump lagsprint: Combined
At 11: 30 Finals lagsprint: Sprint freestyle cross-country skiing women and gentlemen
13.30 Hrs Lagsprint combined 2 x 7.5 km cross-country skiing
At 14.45 Lagkonkurranse jump: Innsbruck

Tuesday, 26. February

13.30 Hrs 10 km classic: Women
16.00 Qualification jump: Women

on Wednesday the 27th. February

Kl 14.00 15 km classic: Gentlemen
At 16.15 Jump: Women

Thursday, 28. February

11: 00 Am Jump normalbakke: Combined
At 13: 00, Relay cross-country skiing: Women, 4×5 km
Kl 15.15 Combined cross-country skiing: 10 km

Friday 1. march

Kl 13.15 Relay cross-country skiing, Gentlemen, 4×10 km
16.00 Jumps Gentlemen, normalbakke

Saturday 2. march

11: 00 Am Lagkonkurranse combined: Jump normalbakke
At 12.15 30 miles: Women, freestyle
At 14.45 Lagkonkurranse combined: cross-country Skiing 4×5 km
16.00 Mixed lagkonkurranse jump: normalbakke

Sunday 3. march

At 13: 00, 50 miles: Gentlemen, freestyle

Can you beat your friends, rivals, cross-country skiers, and experts in the Fantaski?

the Newspaper, and Swix launches a new manager games for cross-country skiing. Here you can set up your own team consisting of six girls and six boys in front of each verdenscuprunde. You get points based on how your athletes are performing.

the Game passes the entire season, but you win prizes each and every round.

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