“Prohibited chemicals in many free”

“Free reklamvaror as cykellampor and headphones and can include everything for the high levels of banned chemicals.”

“the Swedish chemicals agency has conducted an audit and found irregularities in every six to be.”

“– It may be good to consider whether you really need that free item being offered, ” says Camilla Westlund, inspector at the Swedish chemicals agency.”

“In tillsynsprojektet, the authority has verified the goods from 47 companies. The companies that sell goods to other undertakings, which, in turn, puts his sign on the item and share it for free. Camilla Westlund tells us that man chose to primarily look at the småelektronik of the cheaper variety. It is a type of where there are deficiencies.”

“– We have examined the torches, cykellampor, reflexes, cases for tablets and bags in plastic.”

“the Banned chemicals in the was the sixth to be”

“In 17 of the 47 companies surveyed found the goods with illegal levels of banned chemicals. The most common banned substances were lead, and the chain chlorinated paraffins, a type of chlorinated hydrocarbon. The goods must not contain more than 0.1 percent lead, but that most found 83 per cent.”

“– If you happen to have a home that contains too much lead, so it is harmless as long as you are not in direct contact with the lead. The primary concern is, rather, that it can then get out in the countryside, ” says Camilla Westlund.”

“She points out that it is businesses that bear the great responsibility for gratisvarorna follow the rules around the chemicals. But also, as a consumer you can help, ” says Camilla Westlund.”

“– If you are at a trade show, where it distributed a variety of goods, you should think an extra time. It can be good to think about if you really need it where the free item offered. You are not doing it so I think I not that you shall receive it.”

“the Authority has notified or will notify the 17 companies that did not follow the rules for suspected environmental crimes.”