Facebook’s memories of nerves: year, days, ancient, contributions, long-forgotten photos. Of note, the millions of people soon in your Facebook Timeline will see, is important. The company will notify the Android users about a new way to control access to the location history. If you see the overlay, you should definitely take two minutes of your time to deal with.

anyone Who owns an Android Smartphone and the Facebook App uses, so far, only two possibilities: position detection on or off. The location services in the system settings of the device rules. If you allow an App to capture your location, can access the program permanently, regardless of whether you use the App or not.

how to use the new option in the settings

Facebook gives users a third option: you can give your place of residence, but only in the time you have opened the App. Yet Facebook collects GPS data continuously in the Background, and create a detailed location history. This information is used by Facebook to allow advertisers Ads to specific audiences to tailor and personalize.

to verify the new setting, tap the Facebook App on the menu in the upper right corner. There, select “settings and privacy” and open “privacy at a glance”. In the first point, “privacy” you will find the Option “Your site settings management”. Here you can disable location services either completely or turn on. In addition, it should now give the ability to ban Facebook, to track your device in the Background. On a Android-Smartphone in the SZ editorial team this Option was not activated on Thursday morning, but still.

location history allows to draw conclusions on the private life

If you have an Apple device with iOS operating system, you will find the ability to no longer directly in the system settings. In the location services (“settings > privacy > location services”), you have the choice between three options: never, while Using, or always. If you give an App limited access, colors Apple the status bar is blue and displays a message once the program detects the location.

location data is sensitive information, allow conclusions to be drawn on friends, relationships, habits, and interests. Without a valid reason, you should not share this information with any company. Facebook offers, for example, to automatically inform you when friends are nearby. Whether you want to give up part of your privacy, you should consider well.

Last week, CNBC revealed that Facebook is using its App to monitor specific individuals in a targeted manner. If the company treats the users as dangerous, because they have threatened in the past Facebook employees, land list on an observation. Former employees, according to the list to include several hundred people.

other companies Also do everything they can to get access to your location. Last August, it became known that Google tracks users even when they contradict explicitly. Shortly afterwards, Google changed the description of the corresponding settings, in order to avoid misunderstandings. Even bolder, many Smartphone Apps: the end of 2018 showed a large Research of the New York Times, as dozens of companies monitor users, some illegal, and the data sold to third parties.

Therefore, you should check your settings not only for Facebook but for all Apps. On iOS, open the location services and revoke all applications access that don’t need to know necessarily where you are staying. Android users, tap the settings “security & location” and check under “location” in the “permissions at the App level”. In the Android help section, Google explains how you can find the Option and what is the difference between the approximate and the exact location of access. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 21.02.2019, 20:22 PM