So, properly known as the Dutch historian, Rutger Bregman was having a rant at the WEF in Davos. However, he came to terms with the millionaires of the world, the numbers in his eyes enough taxes.

“This is not rocket science”: Here, Rutger Bregman spoke at this year’s WEF in Davos in a Rage.

His Panel appearance made him so well known that he received several interview requests. Among other things, the TV channels Fox, the favorite channel of the US President, Donald Trump wanted to speak with him. An Interview with the well-known presenter Tucker Carlson not came to be, was to broadcast it but at least on Fox.

was not Why the piece on the channel, now shows a live recording, the Bregman published. First of all, Fox-man Carlson praises the WEF-speech by Bregman as “perhaps the great Moment of the Davos story”. But the historian does not ensnare and angriffig: “most of The people in Davos, but also here on this channel, have been bought by the billionaire class.”

Later, the Dutchman comes to the family of Rupert Murdoch to speak, the Fox. “What the Murdochs really want is for immigrants to blame, instead of talking about tax avoidance.” Bregman also the membership of Carlson’s with the conservative think tank the Cato Institute, which is co-financed by billionaires speaks later. “You took your dirty money,” says the historian. “You’re a millionaire, financed by billionaires.”

And that’s not all: It is good that the Fox Moderator wanted to talk about taxes, “but they are not part of the solution, Mr Carlson, you are actually part of the problem”.

This was too much. “Why don’t you go fuck yourself?”, Carlson that his interview guest. Bregman was “an Idiot,” the Fox-man. This responds dryly: “You can’t handle the criticism, is it?”

Created: 21.02.2019, 12:42 PM