As the representative of the Left – a party that prioritizes the environment and profiles itself as an eco-friendly party – also as a cultural and equality minister, I will say that Trine potentially contributes to a Grande mistake. In their respective ministerposter maintain the Trine Skei Grande is not the sámi people, neither in culture or likestillingsperspektiv.

SAMI UNGDOMSPOLITIKER: Ole-Henrik Lifjell. Show more

6. February observed I that the minister on his Instagramkonto congratulated the sámi people with day, with our flag in hand. Trine, here you have to take the grip or hoist the flag at half mast.

Ministry of industry and ministry of fisheries has given driftskonsesjon for mining in Kvalsund (Nussir). Those who are not familiar with the case: It is about to dump 17 lastebillass with toxic mine waste every hour of every day in the Reppafjorden, 20 years ahead in time. Not only is it an environmental crime and a direct declaration of war against the ecosystem, it is also simultaneously the knife against his throat and the dagger in the back of the sámi food, culture and lifestyle.

This policy builds on the premises to people who in no way can or will relate to it to manage nature in a sustainable and responsible way. To destroy nature, pollute the fjord and pass the established sámi industries (which operates perhaps the world’s most ecological and sustainable industry) means nothing to the government.

– Gruvedeponi should not be a surprise

We have the “top politicians” run by a capitalist system where everything that can give economic growth is valued more than the earth we borrow. I would encourage everyone to remind themselves of the principle of sustainability.

We humans are so lucky that we borrow the earth, completely without fees. Our task is to manage the resources that exist around us to ensure that our children, grandchildren and descendants in 100 generations will be able to have the same opportunities as us in order to drive sustainable industries and living at least as good life as we currently do.

If you look at this constitution section 108 states that: “It is the responsibility of the Authorities of that lægge the Conditions for the sámi people can secure and udvikle sit Language, their Culture and sit way of life”. To say it like that, this decision does not add to the right of the sámi folkegruppa can secure and develop their culture and their community life.

Torulf (67): the Curse is greater than the sorrow

Furthermore, on the government’s website says: “The main principle of the ILO-convention nr. 169 about indigenous and tribal peoples in independent states is indigenous peoples ‘right to maintain and develop their own culture, and the authorities’ obligation to take measures to support this work. Norway ratified the convention in 1990”.

in Short say that, in practice, that the government violates both national and international, legal obligations on a show which for me is an extension of a nasty practice which will also be referred to as assimilation.

Argument which in this case is more jobs and kobberutvinning, that Norwegian trade and industry minister Torbjørn Røe Isaksen reviews as miljøforebyggende in the sense that copper is used in a lot of the technological solutions such as electric vehicles, mobiles o.l. use. To destroy nature, stifle sustainable and well-established industries and dump poison in the fjords and then promote it as something that benefits the environment – is an ugly lie to swivel away from it to engage with environmental crime.

In the wake of the Alta-case got the sámi people in Norway a greater protection in the legal context, with a view to be recognized and equated as one of the two people that Norway is founded on. It has now been 40 years since it started, and it seems to be the time it takes before they forget to take lessons from the mistakes of others.

“Stjernekamp”-Ella is ready to link itself fixed: – I spew

We are facing a modern misconduct from the state’s hold in a sami, legal context. I want this to focus on the Grande. To be a representative for the environment and sustainability on the party programme will result in a liability to their voters and their confidence in the process. In addition, as minister for culture and gender equality, Grande failed triple if she is not working to reverse this decision.