“The doctor guilty of sexual crimes against children must be investigated,”

“The 29-year-old doctor accused of sexual offences against a 50-odd children at several health care institutions around the country have committed”

“It has been a week since the hearing against the man ended, and after deliberation, now, the court decided that the man will undergo a psychiatric examination and be continued in custody.”

“the Stockholm tingrätt believe that there is sufficient evidence that the defendant committed”

“the Trial is expected to continue during week 13.”

“Examined the genital areas.”

“the 29-year-old was charged in september last year for crimes committed against a total of 70 persons, of which 52 are children. These have, according to the indictment, victims including aggravated child rape, gross sexual abuse, exploitation of children for sexual posering, and serious child pornography of the 29-year-old doctor.”

“the Offences shall, according to the public prosecutor to have been committed in connection with the examinations at the different medical facilities around the country, where the man served. The doctor has looked at and touched the children’s genitals, even though this was not medically justified, the prosecutor has claimed. In some cases, he has also penetrated the children’s vaginas or anus.”

“the Doctor was charged, also for sexual harassment and sexual exploitation by person in position of dependence towards the 18 adults – parents of children who have sought care through the app Tee and the doctor managed to film the children’s genital area.”

“At the beginning of January was charged with the man for three additional cases of crimes against children and parents who have sought care through the app.”

“the Man has claimed that the investigations have certainly been medically justified and that helkroppsundersökningar – which includes the genital area is more common in his home country of Spain. He has also been careful to get the okay of the child and the guardian prior to each act.”

“the Doctor was indicted in september 2018 for:”

“•Rough rape against children.”

“•Rough sexual abuse of children.”

“•Exploitation of children for sexual posering, of normalgraden and rough.”

“•Sexual exploitation by person in position of dependence.”

“•child pornography, of normalgraden and rough.”

“the Indictment includes a total of 70 plaintiff. 52 of these are children, aged two to twelve years. 18 is the adults – the parents of children who have sought care through the Tee. Crime has according to the indictment committed on several different clinics and hospitals in Skellefteå, Stockholm, Jönköping and Skövde, as well as via the digital medical service.”

“some of those suspected of crimes have also been committed when the man sat babysitter for an eight year old girl.”

“In January was charged with the man for three additional cases, where the classification of offences is grossly sexual abuse of a child, gross exploitation of children for sexual posering, the sexual abuse of dependants, and sexual harassment. Plaintiff is also here children and their parents.”