“Åkessons way to talk, the problem is”

“No party leader should talk about the people who don’t fit in our country.”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“– It confirms the analysis we did ourselves after the partiledardebatten, ” he says to Echo.”

“would you be able to think that the issue is simply done. SVT has violated the requirements of impartiality. Audit system works and if truth be told have Jimmie Åkesson and his party hardly lidigt any damage. The attention was probably exactly what the sweden democrats partistrateger hoped for.”

“the Debate is not finished.”

“The real problem must be that a party leader in a partiledardebatt so clearly shows that he does not feel any such responsibility.”

“Blamed unemployment on immigrants”

“Åkesson said the fact that unemployment among immigrants is due to some people not fit in Sweden. And they do not fit depends in turn on that ”

“maybe It’s not racism in the strict sense, but it is definitely xenophobia. And it should not be said in a partiledardebatt the face of a Swedish parliamentary elections.”

“At the weekend gave moderatledaren Ulf Kristersson in Svenska Dagbladet once again expressed his bitterness over that he did not become prime minister. Kristersson can at all not understand why the Centre party and the Liberals would like him to choose the path when it comes to the relationship with The sweden democrats.”

“Åkessons formulations from september would be argument enough. Should the debate be about.”