A 70% increase in calls from customers inquiring about heat pumps (PAC) at IZI by EDF in one week. The movement is symptomatic of a general enthusiasm for this equipment. It has already been two years since the number of heat pumps installed in France doubled almost every year. The equipment has benefited from great visibility since Emmanuel Macron became the system’s super-salesman during his televised speech on September 24.

The president explained that “heat pumps are intelligent, they save energy, they greatly reduce emissions” of carbon dioxide. Consumer viewers, faced with rising energy bills, understood the message. Ignoring the Cassandras who explain that a heat pump is ineffective without good thermal renovation of buildings, they are eyeing the miracle solution. “A heat pump is on average three times more efficient than a gas boiler and four times more than electric convectors,” adds Jean-Philippe Laurent, strategy and development director of EDF’s customer division.

Also read: France faces the challenge of producing a million heat pumps in 2027

Certainly, this requires an initial investment of around 13,000 euros for an air-water heat pump, replacing a gas or oil boiler. The aid granted as part of the MaPrimeRénov’ system, of between 500 and 10,500 euros, depending on income, reduces the bill. By lowering the “remaining due”, the State’s help allows consumers to repay their investment more quickly.