The Europeans are choosing the end of may a new Parliament. Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker holds the nation-state in the 21st century. Century is no longer the correct reference. The European Nations around the world would lose its enforcement power, if they close their ranks, he urges us.

Mr Juncker, with which an idea can inspire more people for the EU and the European elections: “Europe, the peace project”, or “Europe, the economic project”?

Both, and the list is not yet complete. You have to explain to the people, especially the Younger ones, always, why, after the Second world war, wise men on the way to European Integration.

That has to do with the idea of Pax Europaea. This is a motive for European Ministry, and becoming, which has not lost until today.

whenever I am this old Declaration of Peace in the halls, where young people sit, the attention. I believe that young people, even if you think peace is a matter of course, are interested in this topic. This is simply in the genes of the European family. So many families have suffered terrible human losses.

And the Europe of the economy?

And then there are of course issues such as the internal market, the monetary Union, the abolition of the shock trees. What makes Europe-and not only from the past experience and explain, but also from the thoughts of the perspective of shaping the future. At the beginning of the 20th century. Century, the Europeans had a 25% share of the world’s population. Now we are at seven percent, at the end of the century we will be far below that. Our share of global economic output has steadily declined. Not a single European country will be in the foreseeable future, even in the group of the seven largest economies in the world. So I want to say: All that are on the populist Track, and tell us that the nation-state is the right reference, wrong fundamentally. The Nations of the world will lose its enforcement power, if we close our ranks.

you speak of the United States of Europe?

I’m not one who appreciates the importance of the effect and the Atmospheric of the nation-States, and its rich regional diversity is low. Europe can’t make against the nation-state. I am not a supporter of the United States of Europe. The people want to stay in Baden-württemberg, Westphalia and the Flemish. But you have to sharpen the senses: There is no country in Europe, not even the large and economically powerful Germany, which will create in the future, his self-assertion in the world. Germany will say even if there is the EU. And if this is the case for Germany, then it applies to all the others.

you do not Need to lift the peace of thoughts only historically, but also in the future?

On the periphery of the EU, there is a risk of fire. I will mention only the Crimea and the Ukraine. The old theme of the war is therefore always a current. You never know whether these events, it is necessary to establish there, people, coat of arms re-cross. That’s also the Fragile in Europe. I can’t imagine that we will have on the territory of the EU, somewhere war, but I think it is possible that individual countries run the risk of having to eventually Position conflicts in its neighbourhood on the periphery of the EU taken in the event of war. Therefore, I am of the opinion that we must vote on issues of foreign policy instead of unanimity with a qualified majority, so that we of action to be more competitive.

But also in the EU, the Canada is increasing. France pulls its Ambassador from Italy, the Italian members of the government show their solidarity with the yellow West. What’s the difference with the EU?

What we have seen between France and Italy, that was a low blow. I hope he remains a single event. Rough behaviour? Yes, there are many of them, from member States to the Commission. So Hungary’s Viktor Orban has said recently, in Brussels, the socialist International would rule. My explanation for this is: The Europeans don’t love themselves enough, because they know each other too little. It is focused on their own navel-gazing, and notes that other Nations have a navel. Many have forgotten how to think in the Situation of the other. This feeling that it would be only for self-responsible, and that is not good for the unity of our Union.

How to deal with the populists?

I’m going to make a difference. There are many people who do not have legitimate questions to Europe, the processes might understand. These people, we must not scold. You need to be taken in their criticism seriously. However, those who practice fundamental criticism of the European integration process, because they do not reject him, because you like all the that do not come from the outside, like your neighbors, who have an exclusive self-admiration, which you have to fight. Especially if you are inspired by the extreme Right. Europe has made the most terrible experience with the March on By-Let of the extreme Right. However, you have to get up. Also in Germany they say now again: It is allowed to say. No, there are things you are not allowed to say.

the unpredictable US President, things you may not actually say says. You keep Trumps word in car duties for resilient?

Trump has given me his word that there is no car duties. I think this commitment to resilient. It is clear, he should break his word, we will buy ourselves to our Commitments, the more U.S. soy, and liquefied petroleum gas, also no longer bound to feel. I would regret that very much.

In many German cities, there is resentment about driving restrictions due to poor air. You think it’s useful to debate it now on limit values and measuring points?

The limits are as they are – specified by a decision of the member States, including Germany, and the European Parliament. As the President of the Commission, I don’t mean to cause a debate on the local measurement points. The need to do the German authorities. It is not impose in the Other case or the competence of the Commission, and bans. If there are driving bans or not, will be the sole judge in Berlin and Stuttgart, but not in Brussels. Personally, I would like that the social consequences of such decisions are better taken into account. The choice of instruments to achieve the specified air quality values, lies solely with the member States. Taking the EU for a lot of things in prison, to do what we have nothing. All of the blame on Europe to dump, this is a game we know since decades, and I don’t play.

the UK did not want to play the game. Brussels is ready to give the British more time for the Brexit?

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Britain to leave the EU This six-Brexit-scenarios

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If the British want to apply for more time, is the decision of the British. You would do this, would there be anyone in Europe who would resist. You ask how long you can move the outlet? Since I have no concept of Time. The Brexit, have already been pitched so many time plans. But I can imagine only with difficulty that the British will fall short once again in the European election. This I think would be a staircase wit of the history. But I can’t exclude that as well. In terms of Brexit it is like in court and on the high seas: It is in God’s hands. And always, it is uncertain when God is accessing correctly.