The man is covered with ornaments and pictures. He proudly presented his Tattoos on the Internet, his favorite motif print on T-Shirts that he sells – and gets in Trouble. Because of Tattoos copyright. It was not always so. Is it art or craft? The Federal Finance court decided 20 years ago: it’s not art. Had sued a tattoo artist who had been taxed from the IRS with the rule set, but considered that his tattoos are works of art, so that he must only pay the reduced tax rate. Legally, the Tattooing would have to go through, but then as delivery of a work of Art. To the court, “The Transfer of the dyes by the tattoo artist is not to assess sales tax purposes as a supply of goods.” Today, the would have probably seen otherwise.
a tattoo artist is now called “Tattoo Artists”, and the question of whether it is art, is answered by lawyers, clearly Yes. In the past few years the Tattoo has become socially acceptable. Not only that, the former First had Lady Bettina Wulff to one, the number of tattooed Stars seems to be exploding.
The soldier: Short hair, Beard trimmed, nails are short and clean
tattoos are common among young people and “in the middle of the population”, noted also the higher administrative court of Berlin-Brandenburg, two weeks ago, and was a candidate right to the wanted to the police, and this because of the large Tattoos on his rejected arms, because you would see when Wearing the summer uniform. Not, the authority could not regulate, but only of the Berlin legislature, the court said. The parliamentary debate should not be taken by the police authority in advance. Official rejections will be allowed only if due to the tattoos is not free from doubt, if the Applicants at any time for the free democratic basic order, including the human rights would occur, or if the tattoos against the criminal laws will violate.
for Decades, were banned in the police and armed forces tattoos, if you could see them, so, for example, of the forearms below the “T-Shirt-border”. This is in many States now a thing of the past. The Bundeswehr fixed 2014 that everyone has to cover his Tattoos, wearing a Uniform. The appearance of the German soldier is generally highly regulated: short hair that does not extend over the collar, beards, only trimmed, nails short and clean.
daily mirror people
order your Free copy of Boo! Luke Atkinson, Tattoo Artist from England, during the “Mondial du New” in Paris.Photo: Joel Saget /AFP
Tattoos can mean a lot, today they are usually self-representation
tattoos can have various meanings, and their history goes back a long way – the oldest finds are more than 5000 years old, for example, the glacier mummy, which was known as Otzi the Iceman. Tattoos can be a sign of membership in a tribe, of belonging to a Religion, the past, Prisoners in a prison, possession, display of a pimp or markings of a injustice regime, like the one on the forearm, tattooed digits of Auschwitz. You can but, and this is the rule today, simply an expression of the feeling of life, of one’s own individuality, characteristic of the validity of addiction and self-representation. It also gave shock advertising with a Tattoo, but it was banned in 2001, in the last instance by the Federal court. At the time, the fashion brand Benetton was advertised with a naked buttocks, which bore a stamp “H. I. V. Positive”. This ad appeared in the “star” was as immoral is prohibited.
art works by destroy not
is allowed to change The question, to whom the art belongs to the own skin, now, media lawyer Karl-Nikolaus Peifer, chair holder in Cologne, Germany. “Generally, known motifs, such as squiggles, and heart motifs, or the like are in the public domain, may be of any razor, individual motifs are protected regularly,” says Peifer. In such a case, “belong to” the subject is initially the one to stab it. The requirements of the protection of drawings, graphics or Tattoos are not too high.
Want to show the customer his Tattoo on the Internet and spread, he needs a license from the artist and have to prove their Existence. Peifer does not believe that the requirements of this license are high, “because without agreement with the Studio owner, the Tattoo wouldn’t be on the body of the customer”, as the copyright lawyer. Is that a Tattoo you will allow usually those uses, with which the artist (today) has to expect, so photos in Social media, don’t establish too difficult. Who is marketing but his Tattoo, he’ll let T-Shirts of that print, leaving the contents of the usual license and need a special permission.
More about
officials in Berlin, police officers are allowed to Tattoos in the service
Helena Wittlich
show build Who’ll take over as a Tattoo artist, the motives of his competitors, would in any case have a permit. He was committing a copyright violation, which is also trackable. It is also interesting what happens when a Tattoo is to be changed, if, for example, from the former Helene, the new Helena. As the owner of a work of art may destroy it at any time. But he is not allowed to change it. That would be a distortion of the artwork.