The lung doctor Dieter Köhler is not indented, even after fierce criticism of arithmetical errors in his much-publicized opinion on the risk from air pollutants from its Position. The alleged miscalculation is for the authors not to understand, he told on Sunday. In the opinion of January, the sense of fine dust and nitrogen oxide – limit values have been in doubt. The of only about 130 of the 3800 contacted lung doctors signed Text had triggered a broad debate about the limits.

German and international experts had contradicted the opinion held, inter alia, by reference to research findings. The medical statements regarding the health relevance of the applicable limits remained for the authors unchanged, according to Köhler. The number of signatories had increased since the original opinion – how many exactly has not been disclosed.

About the computing error of the opinion had initially reported the “taz”. They went back on faulty translations and incorrect output values, it said on Thursday, in the report. It was the smokers recorded fine dust dose. Köhler had given then errors.

previously, experts had emphasized that a comparison between prolonged exposure through contaminated air, and a temporary load, it was not allowed. Environment Minister Svenja Schulze (SPD) had pointed out that limits any – would also have to protect small children and Lung disease sufferers – not only to healthy adults.

the Federal transport Minister, Andreas Scheuer (CSU), the German chambers of industry and Commerce and the transportation club, the ADAC, had welcomed the possible impact of the Initiative is the German President Horst köhler on driving bans. The accusation that the authors were corrupted by the automotive industry, rejected Köhler on Sunday again. He was devoid of any basis.

The nitrogen dioxide limit is 40 micrograms per cubic meter of air. The limit values for fine dust depend on the particle size. They are set at the EU level and are based on recommendations of the world health organization WHO.

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Germany, the Limit value can not change the limits by themselves – the great coalition, but he’s working on a new formulation, according to which bans “should be in the rule,” only acceptable where the year exceeds the average of 50 micro grams. The EU could take action against it until Wednesday evening, but. (dpa)