Already in the introduction to the first question, we are stuck: Mr Müller to stay, about a year ago, they had to abandon the policy… “I have adopted the policy, it would be quite impossible. Since then, I have amtsfrei.” Right and wrong rarely, as in the case of Geri Müller . The following two-hour show, the 58-Year-old can not let go of the policy. Advance the foreign policy, particularly middle East policy, ties him up. And there are probably a few in the country that are so close. To close, he is accused of having sometimes.
Since last may, Mueller is the President of the society Switzerland–Palestine – and is already irritated a lot of people again. In September, the society hosted a discussion with Palestinian activist Manal Tamimi. She comes from a family that did not flinch once in the fight against the Israeli occupation, including violence. The event had to be moved because the landlord of the locality intervened.
The corners, he still
“For me, the Knocking is not bad – bad would be if my corners would round off,” he said over a year ago in an interview with the “Tages-Anzeiger”. The corners, he definitely has. He feels it as a great relief that he can now say, without regard to the office his opinion. “That’s not to say that I guess other interests low. We need to be aware of the impact our Actions has on the other side. The context is essential.”
once in the Public is very present and prominent politician, he is frequently invited to hold lectures or Workshops. Soon he will speak in the Kulturcafé Baden about how Propaganda influenced the policy. His good knowledge of the conditions in the middle East, but also in Somalia, or Syria, brought him also some Advisory mandates.
Usually there are placement mandates, which seems immediately contradictory. How should one convey how Geri Müller, the polarized but in his political career, rather than mediatized,? Müller believes in the communicative power of the opposition. In a country, the compromises are so high. “If I manage to slip into the shoes of the other and so his Waiting for his world see, I realize that his contemplation has as its accuracy.” Then you can sit together at a table and eye level to discuss. “Blockages.”
later In the conversation it comes to discussions about speed limits on neighborhood streets, he draws the following picture: “If you want a Yellow, the other Blue, then we must sit together and clarify how the different preferences.” Why not just choose the Green? “The colors blend, no so we move the Problem from us and do not take it seriously. Compromises are usually an expression of a lack of imagination.”
If we are not able to cope with contradictions, we miss out on what makes our lives unique.Geri Müller
in 1991, Geri Müller, a 30-Year-old, a member of the Baden Parliament – rather a contre-coeur, because since he first visited as a Teenager for the first Time, the Federal house, he saw his role in the extra-parliamentary politics. In the result, he was one of the most famous politicians in the country. From 1995, he represented the Green party in the Aargau cantonal Parliament, from 2003 onwards, in the national Council. In 2010, he was even as the Federal Council, in an interview. Since 2006, he served also in the city of Baden, from 2013 to 2018 as the city of Ammann. In 2014, the so-called Selfie, the affair went through the media. The publication was later reprimanded by the press Council in focus, the triggering Person convicted. For Müller, the thing is done. In 2018 he was voted out of office.
I come now to the first question: was the great Emptiness, after he had taken office as the Mayor? Geri Müller pulled back for three weeks to a solitary place in Tunisia, to think about yourself. He had to learn himself to endure, he said at the time. Wars difficult?
With yourself
He had begun to write, retrospectively, a sort of diary, Private, Professional and Political. And he had marveled at what had become of him. “It’s crazy, when I think of where I came from”: a Immigrantenbub from a working-class family – the father German, the mother is French. He remembers only too well the fear of climate during the time of the Schwarzenbach-Initiative. “I couldn’t arrange at that time, as a ten year old Boy, but it has shaped me.”
After these three weeks, he was at peace with himself and ready to take New and reactivate Old. Geri Müller is a teacher in a vocational school and studied Special psychology. In the last year he has taught some lessons – it gave him great joy. To intensify this, could be an Option for the future.
he Also used to be very active in the cultural scene; especially in the fields of theatre and music. He was a small publishing house, called Gibellina Arts, which took place after the fall of the Berlin wall by artists and writers from the GDR under the wing and helped to gain a foothold in the West foot. Müller has enabled Gibellina Arts, the music business has changed now that he has abandoned this line of business. In the area of theatre, but he has some of the mandates. In doing so, the guidance of young Directors and theatre groups.
structures are not missing him
Still, he has to live by its commitments, for bathing in cases such as his Severance payment. “At the beginning I was glad that I was protected for a while, because I had to invest to get back in the non-political professional life foot.” Fear of the future does not trouble him, two of his three children were almost “out”, moreover, he had always lived modestly, even when he deserved well. And as he goes, after decades with a tightly scheduled Agenda, with the missing structures? “The lack of me not at all. I’ve seen structures as constraining.” The best part of his not-scheduled life is that he finally has enough time to read. “Not only is this targeted to read, but one that broadens the view.” And we are in the midst of a conversation about Seneca and Pfaller, on the Club of Rome or the Slovenian philosopher Žižek. I wanted to come to the last question – namely, whether he could imagine to hold a political office. No Chance.
Again he comes on to speak of contradictions, this Time on a more metaphysical level. “Contradictions are part of life, starting with the opposition between birth and death. If we are not able to cope with contradictions, we miss out on what makes our lives unique and exciting.” An Espresso later. The last question: he Can imagine to hold a political office? “At the Moment, the question is not, categorically ruled out but I do.”
Created: 16.02.2019, 09:24 PM