It seemed to be so easy. In June 2017, the German Bundestag changed just before the end of the legislature, the basic law, to the NPD, all the state to take away money. In February 2018, the Federal Council decided to make the necessary application to the Federal constitutional court. Within two months of the Federal government and the Bundestag joined. However, the joint request for the withdrawal of state funding for the NPD is in Karlsruhe. The Offensive of the three constitutional organs against the NPD appears to have stalled. The lawyer of the party, Peter Richter, responds laconically: “We have no hurry”.
In the course of the summer, the request could be done, it is now in the environment of the Federal government. As the reason for the delay complicated negotiation between the administrations of the Bundesrat, the Bundestag and the Federal government. It was not clear what the “pots” the fee for the process empower Christian forest Hoff and Christoph Möllers will be paid. The law professors of the Humboldt University in Berlin had already represented in the second of the prohibition proceedings against the NPD to the Federal Council in Karlsruhe, Germany. As we know, without success.
the judge rejected in January 2017 the request of the chamber of States to terminate the existence of the Nazi party, unanimously, but has not harmed the Reputation of the two scientists. However, you can get started in the procedure for the withdrawal of state funding for the NPD. The contract had arrived in the forest Hoff and Möllers, is heard in government circles. The professors themselves do not speak.
security experts say, also the Material of the constitutional protection authorities to NPD forest Hoff and Möllers before now. In the documentation, no findings were obtained on V-people were guaranteed. Of Snitches on the boards of the party of the first, also from the Bundestag, the Bundesrat and the Federal government-operated of the prohibition proceedings, 2003 had failed. The judges in Karlsruhe had doubts as to the “State” of the NPD leadership. In the second prohibition proceedings, the court saw in this point, no problems.
The Constitution guards had assured credible, the V-people in the extreme right-wing party to be “turned off”. And the spies, say security circles now, even after the Karlsruhe judgment of January 2017 not been re-enabled. Nevertheless, the success of the attempt, the NPD is now at least in a sort of ban on the state funding procedure to take away, not sure. Although the Federal constitutional court had itself hinted at the announcement of the judgment in 2017, the possibility of the right-wing extremists financially dry. A ban on holding the judge to be superfluous, since the party was, despite their anti-constitutional stance is much too weak.
The Right-wing trying to attract attention
The NPD has also shrunk after the success in Karlsruhe, Germany. 5000 members at the beginning of 2017, only 4000 are left. But the shrinkage could be looking for, as macabre as it sounds, in the financial rescue process mean. Security circles say, should be choice in Europe and the Landtag elections in Brandenburg, Saxony and Thuringia, the decline of the NPD to continue, will make it harder to move the judges in Karlsruhe, a blow to the ailing party. In the context of the government even fears the court could become disasters if you have further Choice of the NPD issues, whether the extreme Right-wing “still operational”. And whether it is proportionate, of the party, the last state to take away money.
Not only in terms of personnel, also financially, the position of the NPD deteriorated since the judgment in the prohibition proceedings. One reason for the core competition from the overpowering AfD is let. The right-wing populist press, the right-wing extremists to the sidelines. So also the election to the Bundestag 2017 fell for the NPD to the debacle. She remained under 0.5 percent, which is the hurdle for state subsidies after a Federal election. The fiasco has tarnished the financial balance sheet. The party had gotten in 2016, more than 1.1 million euros, in 2017, only 852 000 Euro. The NPD is now even deeper in the downward spiral.
More about
state party funding, All against the NPD
Frank Jansen
Defiantly the party is trying to attract still attention. Beefy NPD-members occur in small squads as a vigilante in Berlin and other cities. The extreme Right are wearing red vests with a rune-like “S” and the inscription “We are creating protection zones”. The campaign is also mentioned in the collection of materials of the constitutional protection for the request for the withdrawal of the government funding for the NPD. However, this case shows how difficult it can be to achieve legal success against the party. The regional court of Fulda on raised in January of a decision of the district court of the city to the seizure of the protection zone to the West. The NPD-the people got back the red camisole.