Three world powers, three very various appearances. At the security conference, the US, China and Russia have demonstrated how you place in the world. Also lines of conflict were clear.

By Silvia Stöber,, currently in force in Munich

When it comes to the Status of the largest military powers, the Munich security conference a good Image. As a highlight of the meeting high-range representatives of the United States, China and Russia languages in addition to German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

the leaders of the three States not highlighted only the importance of setting up the meeting and thus the international dialogue, but also how they position themselves currently and strategically.

the United States are traditionally represented every year, but shows, in particular, the U.S. Congress this year is a great need of communication with the Europeans. With more than 40 members, including the speaker of the house of representatives, the Democrat Nancy Pelosi, the U.S. Delegation is larger than ever before.

Pence’s speech was received more cautiously.

No home game for Pence

Were appearances by representatives of the US government in the past decades, a home game, so the reactions to the speech of US Vice-President Mike Pence were rather cool: it was often like applause, friendly but reserved. As he could not prevail at an evening event on Friday greetings from US President Donald Trump, there was no applause.

Pence sought in the morning, first, to harmony. He pointed out that his country was a party to present together with Republicans and Democrats. He also stressed that the United States is committed under the Trump for the NATO and the values of freedom. Then he drew a picture of a strong President who made the USA the leading Nation.