But the party leadership and the party leader Jonas Sjöstedt, do not believe that the party should push utträdeskravet and that it must be contained in the valplattformen.
– There is a misunderstanding about vänsterpartister is not pushing in for example the climate, or employees ‘ rights, we would like to Sweden shall not be in the EUROPEAN union. And it makes fewer vote for us, ” he says to TT.
“We have not pushed utträdeskravet active since 1995 and therefore I think we should talk about that we will not make it the next five years either,” he says.
In the party program states that the Party will work to ensure that Sweden should leave the EU. However, aftonbladet wrote in its proposal to the EU platform that “it is not appropriate for us to push the issue of EU-exit now”.
it is, however, disagreement in the party. Göteborgsdistriktet exercise to the conference on the requirement of withdrawal shall be included in the EU-valplattformen.
One that supports Göteborgsmotionen is Skånedistriktets president Ana Süssner Rubin, who also is a candidate to the EU parliament.
” We are seeing increasingly going in the wrong direction in the EU, what we said in the referendum on the EU have come true. People die out at sea for that the EU has an inhumane refugee policy, the salaries dumped, workers are pitted against each other, racism is rising. There is so much that is wrong with the EU, and to then say that we should make the EUROPEAN union a project involving solidarity feels very far away for me, ” she says to TT.
– We driver not utträdeskravet in the EU elections, but there are many who want to know that the Left still are opponents of the EU, and then I think we should take the opportunity to say it in the election campaign, ” says Ana Süssner Rubin.
drove The sweden democrats, the requirement that Sweden should leave the EU, but now believes the party that it is better to try and improve the EU from the inside.
TT: You and SD have been the only two parties with utträdeskrav, now has SD abandoned it, it is easier to push the requirement now?
– It is of course possible, but we have an entirely different agenda. We want international solidarity while they want the small nation to sit for themselves, ” says Süssner Rubin.
the question on the utträdeskravet in his keynote speech.
– There is a misunderstanding that we have to make up with. Many people think a little bit vague because we are so critical of the EUROPEAN union, we are not and affect. We would sit and sour in a corner and say that it is not possible. Here we have a job to do in the spring, ” says Sjöstedt.
He warned that far-right extremism is on the rise in Europe.
– for the elections in may, they are also more united than in the past. And they have put on strategy, now they want to take power in the EU. It may not happen, ” says Sjöstedt.