“Salmonella in minced beef from Lidl – withdrawn”
“Salmonellabakterier have been discovered in the minced beef from Lidl.”
“the Product has been sold in the whole of Sweden and the customers affected are asked to give back the ground meat in his shop.”
“the food Chain Lidl is recalling the peanut of the brand Guldgrytan with a 6% fat content. The package is 500 grams with the best before date February 12.”
“Lidl has found salmonellabakterier in the ground meat at their own controls.”
“All customers who purchased packs of minced beef with the current date are therefore urged to return it to the store, and the money is paid back even if the receipt is left.”
“We at Lidl Sweden regrets, and look seriously at what has occurred,” writes the company in a press release.”