The vote on the classification of Georgia, Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia, as safe countries of origin has been moved in the Federal Council. It had emerged that the draft of the Federal government misses a majority. In the case of safe countries of origin, it is assumed that there are, in General, neither political persecution nor inhuman or degrading punishment or treatment. the

The Federal Council has postponed the vote on a classification of Georgia as well as the Maghreb States of Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria, as safe countries of Origin. The agenda item will be discontinued, announced the session Manager Dietmar it Woidke to the beginning of the meeting. A request was made to the state government of Thuringia. “We want to enter the proposal on asylum procedures and status rights that are associated with these issues thoroughly in the talks,” said Ramelow ahead of the meeting.

Because the Greens reject the classification as safe countries of origin would have been included, for example, the black-green state government in Hesse. It was clear, therefore, that the submission of the Federal government in the Bundesrat finds no majority. The Bundestag had approved the draft of the Federal government.

Dobrindt: “Ideological Blockade of the Green”

Prior to the meeting of the Federal Council had exercised Union politicians put pressure on the Green. “The classification as a safe country of origin is a necessary measure, in order to grant the Persecuted protection, but to prevent abuse,” said CSU land group chief Alexander Dobrindt of the Newspapers of the Funke media group. He criticized, at the same time: “The ideological Blockade of the Green prevents orderly process and prevents the needy, the clear distinction between Protection and those that do not have the right to stay.” The recognition rate for asylum seekers from Georgia, Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia in the past year at under two percent.

As safe countries of origin, States are classified, where it is assumed that there are, in General, neither political persecution nor inhuman or degrading punishment or treatment.

Green party leader Baerbock had explained to the editors ‘ network of Germany before the Stitzung the Position of your party: A safe country of origin must be the same in all regions and for all groups of the population prosecution. “That’s not in the Maghreb countries for homosexuals, women, journalists, or trade unionists.”