“New study: People who like gin and tonic have bigger brains”

“The one who likes to mix himself a gin and tonic at home or order it at the bar may have a larger brain than the other, according to scientists in a new study. “

“According to a new study there is a correlation between the hjärnstorleken and if you like bitter tastes or not. Researchers at the University of Queensland in Australia believe that the people who like tonicvatten have a larger brain than the other, something even the Danish scientific magazine Videnskab written about. But you should not, however, believe that it means that you are smarter than the other to you at any time order a gin and tonic in the bar.”

“the Study is not about intelligence, but rather about what the size of your brain may have significance for how you think the food and drink tastes.”

“”whether you like tonicvatten or not so will people with bigger brains find that the taste is less bitter than others,” says researcher Daniel Hwang who is behind the study, in a press release on the university’s website.”

“Hope the study will contribute to new treatments”

“More than 1600 people from Australia and the united states have participated in the study. The participants ‘ size of the brain was measured by magnetic resonance imaging. They were even invited to rank their taste sensations by tasting a variety of sweet and bitter products. Among other things, the taste on the substances quinine, which is a bitter key raw material in tonicvatten.”

“It turned out that the part of the left side of the brain that controls memory, sense of smell and visual perception, were greater among the participants who found quinine less bitter.”

“Daniel Hwang believes that the results of the study increases the understanding of the part of the brain that processes smaksignaler and experiences. In addition, he hopes that the study can ultimately be used to create new methods for the treatment of eating disorders”

“Our study is a step on the road to understanding how the brain perceives flavors. The results have importance for improving kostbeteendet and to treat eating disorders,” he writes in the press release. “