“Scare tactics to get us to save more”

“Replica from Alecta about the low pensions”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE Maria Landeborn, sparekonom at Danske Bank, writes that many americans have retirement more private to get a pension that exceeds 50 percent of the final salary. “

“It is obviously a sensible uppmananing, but the message is based on misleading figures that scare rather than help. “

“A common way to show how much we will have to live as retirees is to use the measure replacement rates. It is a measure that shows how high the pension is expected to be in relation to salary in the final years before retirement. The figure has a tendency to make many get a lump in my stomach. No one wants to get the worse? “

“But the measure replacement rates do not take account of the fact that many now work at the same time as they take out the pension. It weighs not submit the tax consequences or changes in expenditure. “

“We at Alecta has allowed to analyse the economy for close to three million swedes between the ages of 55-85 years, from all parts of the labour market. The numbers give a completely new picture of the pensioners economy and the image of that income plummets when we retire is simply wrong.”

“That you should be worried about their pension are often used as scare tactics by those who want to get us to save more, which benefits their own profitability. Certainly it is wise to save, but it is for the vast majority, not private savings, which saves the pension. Far more important is it to be covered by an occupational pension scheme. “

“For the 50-talisterna, which now operates in the pension, private pension savings of less than 2 per cent of the total pension, while occupational pension constitute about 20 per cent, and the percentage is increasing. “

“Our numbers also show that retirement for more and more is not a single event but a process that stretches over several years. 66-year-olds may was the third inkomstkrona from the salary. For 67-year olds is it was about the fifth and for the 70-year-olds about a tenth of the inkomstkrona. “

“replacement rates is therefore a rather misleading way to illustrate the pensions:”

“For those who have small margins in their finances is evident every lost penny in your wallet, of course, clear. But for them, the solution is not to turn on the pensionspyramiden. Instead, the public pensions be strengthened by the level of contributions is restored to the 18.5 per cent of the salary we were promised when the Swedish pension system was reformed 20 years ago. “

“For many, however, is pensionärstiden a pretty sedate journey towards a lower income, mainly thanks to the possibility of flexible withdrawal of pensions and that it has become more common to work after 65 years of age. “

“To retire is thus for most not an economic ättestupa, but a gradual adaptation to a new mix of incomes.”

“It is time to broaden my horizons and start talking about how it actually looks in the pensioners’ wallets. Then we must let go of the replacement rates as the only measure of the economic standard for pensioners. “

“nStaffan Power, pensionsekonom Alecta”

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“the Article is a replica. Read the full the debate here – ”